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2/2022 Aloitetaan johdonmukaisesti

Start Logically

We are witnessing the formation of a new battery cluster in Vaasa with GigaVaasa showing the way. To get the battery industry up on its feet we must Start Logically. Currently, Vaasa is almost completely missing physical infrastructure for battery education, learning environments, research, and development. Theoretical battery education has already started even if practical
environments are lacking. There is a FREESI-laboratory, which is under the control of the University of Vaasa and VEBIC, that possesses a small and limited battery testing laboratory
with a battery cycler and climate chamber that’s the main purpose is research and not education. The goal of this project is to form a state-of-the-art battery laboratory cell in the Technobothnia laboratory, which can be used as a learning environment as well as a battery test bed for joint use with companies. From an electrical engineering point of view, the most basic measurements that you can test your battery with are done with a battery cycler and a
potentiostat. Together with the climate chamber, they form a meaningful combination of basic battery laboratory work and practical education in the field of batteries.

The investment into the equipment is planned and measured so that the equipment can facilitate many different cell sizes, and within limits also battery modules and battery packs. The battery
cycler will allow showcasing all kinds of different chemistries and their characteristics, checking cell’s function, drive cycle simulation, durability testing, calendar, and cyclic age testing. The
potentiostat is a versatile electrochemical measurement tool, which can be used to measure the impedance of the cells, in addition to interpreting the chemical reactions occurring inside the
cells with voltammetry. Managing the external conditions repeatably with the climate chamber is also a vital part of battery testing. This investment strongly supports the development of existing
and ongoing R&D in the field of smart energy systems.

VAMK is the main project owner. Co-partner are The University of Vaasa and AB Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi.

Detta projekt främjar Vasas innovations ekosystemavtal. www.vaasa.fi/innovaatioekosysteemisopimus

Mer information

Minna Ritari mir(at)vamk.fi