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1/2023 Invest in Vaasa konseptointi ja kehittämishanke Vasek

The goal of the city of Vaasa and the Vaasa region is to remain a significant actor in the field of
energy technology on European level and to further increase its importance by 2030.
The development and growth of the EnergyVaasa cluster requires establishments of new
companies and investments in the area.
The project promotes the development of the industry in Vaasa region and the achievement of
the goal of carbon neutrality.
During the project, conditions will be created especially for the establishment of investments in
the region that strengthen the EnergyVaasa cluster.
Investments are promoted especially in relation to energy storage, hydrogen technology,
offshore wind power, operators of the clean battery value chain located in GigaVaasa and the
industrial and the services of the ICT sector that support them.
The project is implemented as part of the innovation ecosystem agreement of the city of Vaasa. www.vaasa.fi/innovaatioekosysteemisopimus

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