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1/2022 Energy Sampo2 The sequel

The global market for new energy solutions is EUR 3,000 billion. A significant part of the market consists of investments related to the renewal of complete systems for systemic, energy production, distribution and storage and supporting automation solutions. Abandoning fossil fuels and securing self-sufficiency are high on the EU’s priorities. That is why the EU is investing
more than 200 billion in renewable energy investments under the ”Re-Power EU” program announced on 18.05.2022.

The market is large, and so are the challenges related to it. Finland has a significant concentration of the energy industry players. Developing the energy sector’s innovativeness and know-how by increasing the investments of Finnish and international companies operating in Finland are in the interest of the entire nation. However, carbon-neutral energy production is a challenge that none of the players can solve alone.

To solve the problem, there is a need to find an operating model to accelerate international systemic change and business opportunities related to them. In practice, it requires collaboration between dedicated companies. There are good results from such collaboration: the ”Starting and facilitating the EnergySAMPO ecosystem” project created an ecosystem between
companies in the energy sector that has accelerated cooperation and produced results. In this project, this ecosystem cooperation, which is well under way, will be expanded through technology pilots and business accelerator operations.

The goal of the EnergySAMPO ecosystem is to help solve the global problem of energy production and significantly increase the export of energy-related technologies and thus create thousands of new jobs in Finland over the next five years. The objective of the project is to launch 4 new pilot projects and to expand the number of ecosystem partners by at least three times.

Detta projekt främjar Vasas innovations ekosystemavtal. www.vaasa.fi/innovaatioekosysteemisopimus

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EnergySampo ekosysteemijohtaja Sari Kola