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Mensas intelligence test

Artikelkategorier: Kurser och utbildningar

Mensa's intelligence test 19.2.2025 at 19:00

Mensa Finland organizes a test 19.2.2025 at 19:00 in Vaasa.
University of Vaasa
Yliopistonranta 10
Room F104
You do not have to pre-register for the test, and the test will take about one hour. Please, be on time since we will start the test punctually.
You only need to bring an ID and a payment of €40, which can be made in cash or via MobilePay.
The test can also be paid for in advance directly to Mensa’s account:
FI30 8000 1002 1175 06.
Price: €40
Reference number: 19761
(Please note: Reference numbers are specific to each test, so only payments with the correct reference number will be accepted.)
Bring with you your ID and receipt of advance payment.
Additional info: testivastaava@mensa.fi