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The Puddle - Program produced by early childhood education and care

1.-31.10. | Children´s Art at Vuorikoti | Malmötalo Kindergarten, groups of Sinipirtti and Meripirtti |Vuorikoti /Vuorikatu 2-4 |

Families can visit the lunchroom of Vuorikoti during the opening hours.


2.-31.10. |Art exhibition of the Puddle at Huudi| Taikametsä kindergarten |Opening hours of Huudi | Kohtaamispaikka Huudi, Mannerheimintie 41 |

The work of arts of 1-5-year-olds are displayed at Huudi.


2.-31.10. |Art exhibition at the Vaasa Swimming Hall | Inkerinpuisto kindergarten | Opening hours of the Swimming Hall | Vaasa Swimming hall, Hietalahdenkatu 8 |

3-5-year-olds artworks are shown at the Swimming Hall. Children are from the groups of Touhula, Hippula and Muksula.


10.-31.10. | Children’s art exhibition at Folkhälsanhuset Wasa |Folkhälsanin Vaasan päiväkoti | Folkhälsanhuset Wasa, Wasaborginkuja 4 |

You can admire the art exhibition organized by Folkhälsan’s daycare center in the courtyard of Folkhälsanhuset. We are inspired by nature.


3.10.-31.10. | Art exhibition at Fyrrykartano | During opening hours of Fyrrykartano | Fyrrykartano, Vähänkyröntie 51

The collective works of arts are displayed at the walls of Fyrrykartano. They are made by Vähäkyrös early childhood education and care: the groups of kindergartens, a group kindergarten and family day carers groups.


5.-31.10. |Art in the windows |

  • Pikkuonni kindergarten/Larvatie 2,
  • Villi länsi kindergarten /Porinmäenkuja 1
  • Tervajoki kindergarten/Malamantie 2
  • Savilahti school/Savilahdentie 1-5 |

Artworks of children are hanging on the windows of kindergartens and the school. The visitors of the exhibitions can go and admire the artworks whenever they want.


1.-31.10 | Art exhibition at the Vaasa SWIMMING HALL CAFÉ | Opening hours of the Swimming Hall | Vaasa Swimming hall, Hietalahdenkatu 8 |

  • 1.-31.10 | Pikkukasarmi Kindergarten
    Artworks made by preschoolers.
  • 1.-31.10 |Pikku kasarmi Kindergarten (Nipsut, Nuuskamuikkuset och Niiskut)
    An art exhibition with the works of the groups Nipsut, Nuuskamuikkuset and Niiskut.
  • 2.-31.10 Inkerinpuisto kindergarten, Touhula, Hippula och Muksula
    Artworks made by the group of 3-5 year olds Touhula, Hippula and Muksula.
  • 9.-31.10 Gustavsborg Kindergarten
    Artworks made by children aged 2–5 (Tussilago group) are displayed in the swimming hall.