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The Kvarken Archipelago is on UNESCO's World Heritage List.

Cruises and boat trips

Would you like to experience the Kvarken Archipelago and Vaasa inner archipelago from a new angle? The cruises in the Kvarken take you to both the inner and outer archipelago whose islands are little paradises in beautiful summer days.

Some of the entrepreneurs in the archipelago offer boat trips for small groups. For example, order boat transportation for example to the Björkö-Panike hiking trail located on an island or organize a special trip on your own to some secret island!

Find your boat trip or cruise here.

West Coast Rib Charter

West Coast Rib Charter arranges RIB boat trips to various destinations in the Kvarken world heritage archipelago.

West Coast Rib Charter starts crusing to Molpehällorna islands in summer 2024 on Saturday 22.6. and in July there are a cruise every day at noon. In addition, there are also a tour to Strömmingsbådan on June 29 and to Fäliskär/Rönnskär on July 27.

Check out the booking calendar here:

Boat trips to other destinations can be booked in advance for groups. Read more and book here: West Coast Rib Charter’s website

Cruises in the Vaasa Archipelago

Cruises in the Vaasa archipelago with m/s Tiira between June 22 and August 31 in summer 2024.

During the cruise there is a 1 h 15 min stop on the Island of Kuusisaari, where it is possible to enjoy a meal in Restaurant Janne’s Saloon.

Check out the 2024 schedule here!