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Information for Arts Night event organizers

Important information to performers of the Night of the Arts

Performers Checklist for the Night of the Arts 

 Preparing for the performance: 

  • Be active and take responsibility for the success of your own performance. 
  • Actively promote your own performance on social media and to family and friends.
  • Announce the program content in time, no later than 5 August, so that it can be included in the official program. 
  • If you want more visibility, you can add your own event link or advertise the event on the Facebook page of the Night of the Arts or Vaasa Cultural Services. 
  • It is possible to get acquainted with some of the venues in advance, if the performer is active and separately asks for it beforehand. 
  • Time your performance.  Staying on schedule is absolutely essential, especially on the performance stages.  The show must stick to its slot time, neither shorter nor longer.  Already when practising, time your performance to stay on schedule as you perform.


Note to musicians!

  • Make a list of your songs for Teosto.  The Night of the Arts pays for the permits, but each performer provides the information themselves to Teosto. 
  • Teosto:
  • We ask you to take a screenshot of your notification and send it as verification to us at the address:
  • The Teosto notification is free of charge, and it ensures that the authors of the songs you perform will be compensated (does not apply to Teosto-free works).


 On the day of the performance: 

  • Come to the place of your performance no later than half an hour before the show starts.  In this case, the organizer does not have to worry, and any last-minute changes are still possible (cases of illness, technical problems, etc.). 
  • If you become ill at the last minute or there is a sudden change in the line-up, please inform the event organizer as soon as possible!  Everyone who works for it appreciates being able to prepare for change as well as possible. 
  • Enjoy the moment! Anything can happen during the performance and sometimes the weather is not the best. However, every moment is valuable and even a small audience is worth appreciating.  Don’t let stress – enjoy your performance! 


Good to know: 

  • The City of Vaasa is not responsible for compensation if the Night of the Arts or an individual actor’s performance has to be cancelled.  
  • Weather reservation. In case of rain, the square stage performances will be cancelled.  
  • Those who have flammable substances or fire are responsible for appropriate fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Cancellations/schedule changes should primarily be reported to the person responsible for your area. 
  • Please take this into account when setting up for your event: 
    • No loose objects on the tables that can be blown away or damaged by rain. 
    • Make sure that the tent or table has enough weights (approx. 50 kg/tentpole) so the tent or table does not move in case of a storm.  
    • No large flags, banners etc. Which could pose a danger in case of stormy weather.