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Train to Sustain 2020

Train to Sustain -developing capacity to teach sustainability in VET is a two-year cross-sectoral project. The aim is to develop vocational education and training (VET) teachers´ and trainers´ skills to guide their colleagues and students in the subjects Sustainability, Circular economy and Lean combined in an innovative way – Train the trainer. The training approach aims at being interactive, experimental and inclusive.

Within the project there are five VET partners in Finland, Denmark, Austria and Portugal all working with sustainability and circular economy issues. The work will be developed in cooperation with associated partners from working life, and Lean principles will be brought on from the Eramus + project Lean for Work and Lean for Life. This strategic partnership develops and produces innovative approaches to professional development of VET trainers´ skills on sustainability combined with Lean in order to train students for working life. Our aim is to provide all students with valuable knowledge and skills on sustainability by the time they graduate.