Nuorten työpaja Varikko 2022-2023
Workshop Varikko is intended for young people aged 15-28 from Vaasa who need support for life management or planning for the future.
More information
Orava Anna-Leena 0401629948
Hyvinvoiva ja osaava Vaasa -
Contact person within the city
Orava Anna-Leena -
Project manager
Orava Anna-Leena -
Päätoteuttaja - Ansvarig projektgenomförare - Main project implementer -
Internet pages
Go to page -
Starting date (for the project)
1.5.2022 -
Ending date (for the project)
30.4.2023 -
Budget for the city
174 150 € -
The city’s funding in the project
98 151 € -
Main financier
AVI (aluehallintovirasto) / Regionförvaltningsverket -
Total budget of the project
119 000 €