Innovatiivisten oppimisympäristöjen edistäminen varhaiskasvatuksessa 2022-7/2024
Developing innovative learning environments.
Increase the quality of digitalization of learning
-Promote digitalization by creating a model of multiliteracy in digital learning environments
Digital tools as part of the learning environment.
Hyvinvoiva ja osaava Vaasa -
Contact person within the city
Rintanen Tiina -
Päätoteuttaja - Ansvarig projektgenomförare - Main project implementer -
Starting date (for the project)
17.6.2022 -
Ending date (for the project)
31.7.2024 -
Budget for the city
61 960 € -
The city’s funding in the project
6 196 € -
Main financier
OPH (Opetushallitus) -
Total budget of the project
61 960 €