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In year 2023 the winning idea was an open-air ice swimming area in the Inner Harbour.

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What would you like to have in Vaasa for €15,000?

Published: 22.1.2024

We are again on the lookout for participatory budgeting ideas! Is there something in your neighborhood that needs attention? Have you spotted an idea somewhere else that you would like to see in Vaasa? Do you know something that would make the people of Vaasa happy? Submit your idea by 28 February 2024!

We are looking for Vaasa-based ideas and have earmarked €15,000 for their implementation through participatory budgeting. Participatory budgeting is a way for local people to have a direct say in how a sum of money is spent. First, you propose ideas and then you vote for the winner.

– Participatory budgeting is a great way to give a concrete voice to local people. It is also part of our participation programme. For example, Porvoo, Hämeenlinna, Oulu, Lahti, and Helsinki use participatory budgeting. The approach is flexible, so each municipality has its own practice and style of implementation, says coordinator Olivia Åkers.

Propose your idea by 28 February!

– This is the fifth time we are looking for a participatory budgeting project. In the past, participatory budgeting has brought us a cherry orchard, a meadow, toys for kindergartens, and a winter swimming site, says Åkers.

You can propose your idea online at or submit a paper form at the Joint Service Point Citizen Services (Teräksenkuja 1) and at the Vähäkyrö Joint Service Point (Vähänkyröntie 11).

The deadline for submitting ideas is Wednesday 28 February, and the finalists will be selected from among the proposals.

Voting for the winner will start on the website and at the above-mentioned Service Points on 25 March and will continue until 14 April.

The winner will be announced on 6 May. The implementation of the winning idea will be followed on the city’s social media channels.

– All ideas are worth proposing, as each idea will be reviewed and taken to the appropriate department. This way, all ideas will be heard, and we will gather important information on how the people of Vaasa would like to see their city develop. When you submit an idea, you should consider that it can be done with €15 000, that people in Vaasa can be involved, and it brings joy to as many as possible people in Vaasa, says Åkers