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Try moving around with different mobility aids at the Accessibility Day on 16 May

Published: 8.5.2023

Accessibility Day will take place on Tuesday 16 May from 13—16 at the Rewell shopping centre. The day offers a unique opportunity to take part in an accessibility walk during Accessibility Day and provides a wide range of information on accessibility and how to promote it.

During the accessibility walk, you can try using different types of mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, scooters, and white canes. Vamia’s students will accompany you on the pre-planned route. The accessibility walk starts from the Rewell shopping centre and follows the promenade towards the train station. Should the weather be bad, the accessibility walk can also take place inside the shopping centre.

– Accessibility is a common matter and makes everyday life easier for everyone, but for some it is a prerequisite for accessibility. The route is a unique opportunity to experience first-hand what it is like to move around with a mobility aid, when different and otherwise quite unnoticed aspects either challenge or facilitate mobility in an environment we are all familiar with,” says Elisabeth Hästbacka, Accessibility Coordinator for the City of Vaasa.

The day will also include information on accessibility, such as the city’s elevator and accessibility grants, at the Rewell shopping centre’s event square.

The Autism spectrum as a topical theme

As a new and topical theme, the event will feature a talk on the autism spectrum. Rehabilitation counsellors from the Ostrobothnia Welfare Region, Autismin Kirjon Pohjalaiset ry, and Vamia’s nursing students present how to remove everyday obstacles and create a good accessible environment for all of us. You will also learn what a sensory-friendly environment is like and how equality and inclusion of people on the autism spectrum can be achieved.

Associations play an important role in providing inclusion, volunteering, peer support, information, and expertise.

– Accessibility does not only mean accessibility of movement, but also accessibility of hearing, seeing, understanding, and communication. Associations focus a lot of their activities on their important role in promoting accessibility; advocacy, general attitude building and influencing, services of experience providers, organisation-based assistance and services, and building service chains together with other actors. The associations also offer employment opportunities through work try-outs and wage subsidy work, so that everyone has the chance to find meaningful work and paths in working life,” says Tuula Jäntti, Executive Director of Ostrobothnia’s Associations.


  • Welcome speech, Frans Villanen, President of Vaasa’s Disability Council.
  • Accessibility walk (start and end points of the route in the lobby of the Rewell shopping centre). An opportunity to experience the importance of accessibility when using different mobility aids, Vamia students escort on the walk.
  • Promotion of accessibility and the city’s elevator and accessibility grants, Elisabeth Hästbacka, Accessibility Coordinator of the City of Vaasa.
  • Introducing the associations, Ostrobothnia’s Associations (POHY).
  • Accessible everyday life and equality for neurodivergent people, Rehabilitation counsellors from the Ostrobothnia welfare area, Autismin Kirjon Pohjalaiset ry and Vamia’s student nurses.

 All those interested in accessibility are warmly welcome to the event. Especially decision-makers, officials, professionals, and students have an important role to play in being aware of and promoting accessibility for sustainable development and society. Accessibility is everyone’s right and responsibility!

Accessibility Day is organised by the Vaasa’s Disability Council in cooperation with the Ostrobothnia’s Associations (POHY) and Vamia.