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Juha Itkonen. Photo Laura Malmivaara 2015.

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Top writers in Vaasa: LittFest is back, running from 14 to 16 November 2024

Published: 30.10.2024

Vaasa will once again host the LittFest literary festival from 14 to 16 November 2024, featuring authors including Anna-Riikka Carlson, Karin Erlandsson, Marko Hautala, Anni Kytömäki, Juha Itkonen, Kaj Korkea-Aho, Tiina Raevaara, Ellen Strömberg, Ville-Juhani Sutinen, and Riina Tanskanen.

Vaasa’s very own literary festival, LittFest, kicks off again on Thursday, 14 November. The theme of this year’s three-day festival is ‘States of Being’, which will be explored from various angles, highlighting different literary perspectives on the state of the environment, the human condition, and even the state of terror. The programme includes a series of author interviews, panel discussions, evening entertainment and concerts.

The state of the environment raises concerns, while the state of literature raises questions

Annastiina Louhisalmi (E-library), Sari Forsström (BookBeat), Anna-Riikka Carlson (WSOY) and writer Marko Hautala will discuss the current state of literature on Thursday, 14 November, from 15.15–16.00 in the Draama Room of the Main Library. What changes is the literary sector facing amidst the digital revolution, and how will they impact writers, publishers, and readers? What are the main challenges and opportunities facing literature in the future?

In a panel focusing on environmental themes, writers Ville-Juhani Sutinen, Riina Tanskanen, and Anni Kytömäki will discuss environmental conservation and the role of literature in influencing society. The discussion, which will take place on Friday, 15 November at 16.30–17.30 in the Draama Room of the Main Library, will address the ways in which writers can contribute to the environmental debate and offer new perspectives on current environmental issues.

States of terror for horror lovers

State of Terror Night on Friday, 15 November, combines horror and literature in the Draama Room of the Main Library from 19.00–21.00. The evening, hosted by Marko and Tiina Hautala, will feature discussions with masters of horror literature, such as Magdalena Hai and Tiina Raevaara. Cartoonist Avi Heikkinen will also participate in the discussion. The Vaasa-based Maanvaivat choir, known for their dark style of folk music, and Gunnar Bäckman’s photographic exhibition of abandoned houses will contribute to the atmosphere.

New generation of poets in the Draama Room of the Main Library

On Saturday, 16 November, the Draama Room of the Main Library will host New Poetry Afternoon at 12.45–13.45. Aura Nurmi, Natalia Karjalainen, and Marjuli Heliö represent a new generation of poets, known especially for their award-winning poetry clubs for young people, as well as for their hard-hitting texts. The Poet Girls’ Club in the Draama Room from 14.45–15.00 will feature the Tampere-based cartoonist Riina Tanskanen, known for her socially critical work Tympeät tytöt (Into). In 2022, Tanskanen was awarded the State Award for Public Information in recognition of her use of cartoons to raise societal debate and inform the public. Tanskanen is also a visual artist and will create a mural in the Matilda Room of the Vaasa City Library, in line with the LittFest theme.

Saturday’s programme will also include a discussion on the role of women in literature and their significance as role models. Karin Erlandsson, Ellen Strömberg, Rosanna Fellman and Anna Bertills will participate in a panel discussion offering inspiring perspectives and in-depth reflections in the Draama Room of the Main Library from 13.45–14.45. From 15.05–15.50, authors Juha Itkonen and Kaj Korkea-aho will talk about parenthood and their latest works, which explore family and fatherhood from different perspectives. The discussion will be hosted by journalist Petter Lindberg.

LittFest concerts

The Vaasa City Orchestra, led by Minna Pensola and Antti Tikkanen, will present a unique concert experience combining music and the history of medicine. Child psychiatrist Jari Sinkkonen will give a lecture on how illness has affected the lives and music of great composers such as Bach, Handel and Beethoven. A unique concert themed At the fountain of Genius: The Artists and their illnesses concert combines fact, speculation and beautiful classical music on Friday, 15 November from 18.00–20.00 at Vaasa City Hall.

Singer and forensic psychologist Julia Korkman will perform with her band in the Songs from the Criminal Records concert on Saturday, 16 November at 18.30–21.30 at the City Hall. The concert is a combination of a lecture and a musical performance. Through facts and music, the concert immerses the audience in the world of crime, exploring themes such as false confessions, domestic violence, and miscarriage of justice. Both concerts require an admission fee.

The bilingual literary festival LittFest offers exciting encounters with prominent writers and high-quality literature in Vaasa on 14–16 November 2024. The festival is organised in collaboration with KulturÖsterbotten, Opiskelijamedia Pomedia, Svenska Litteratursällskapet, Svenska Österbottens Litteraturföreningen and the Vaasa City Orchestra.