Article categories: Archive News
Time to apply for the summer job voucher!
Published: 4.4.2024
Vaasa’s summer job voucher will be available also this year. The voucher makes it possible for the local young people to get a summer job at a company, organisation, or cooperative that employs less than 50 people. The summer job voucher can be applied for until 15 May.
Young people looking for summer jobs can contact the employer to ask for a summer job, and the employer can apply for the summer job voucher to hire that person. Another option is that the employer applies for the voucher and uses it to hire a summer employee.
The summer employee must be a resident of Vaasa between 15 and 29 years of age, but the company can be registered also elsewhere than in Vaasa. The working period must happen between 1 May and 30 September. The summer employee must be hired at minimum for either two consecutive weeks or for 60 hours in total.
The city of Vaasa will provide a reimbursement of 40 percent of the gross salary, up to €500, to the employer. We prioritise employers who apply for the summer job voucher for the first time.
The application period is 1.4–15.5.2024. The application is filled in and sent via Vaasa’s e-services at: https://asiointi.vaasa.fi/
For detailed instructions (in Finnish): https://www.vaasa.fi/koulutus-ja-tyo/tyomahdollisuudet/vaasan-kaupungin-avoimet-tyopaikat/kesatyopaikat/
Further information:
Daniel Front, workforce planning specialist
daniel.front@vaasa.fi; tel. 040 573 4964