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The regional responsibility museum joins Adopt a Monument activities in Ostrobothnia
Published: 21.2.2024
Vaasa City Museums, serving as the regional responsibility museum in the Ostrobothnia region, is participating in the Adopt a Monument initiative in Kristiinankaupunki. The museum’s building researcher guides in restoration and maintenance planning.
By adopting, associations or other communities can assume responsibility for the maintenance of historically or landscape-significant monuments, ancient sites, or buildings. The first adoptable site in Ostrobothnia is a small old cottage, Kapanmitta, located at the foot of Myllykallio in Kristiinankaupunki. The building was adopted by Kristiina-seura on February 15, 2024, from the city of Kristiinankaupunki.
Vaasa City Museums is involved in the initiative in the role of a regional responsibility museum, which includes activities related to cultural heritage and built heritage in the Ostrobothnia region. The museum’s building researcher guides Kristiina-seura in restoration and maintenance planning, and the Adopt a Monument activity is guided by the Carlsro Museum of Kristiinankaupunki.
Restoring the building requires a lot of background work
Adopted monuments always get a maintenance plan that outlines the main goals and principles of the site’s maintenance needs. The purpose of adoption is to preserve the site and its surroundings for future generations.
– Kapanmitta’s frame and main structures are in reasonably good condition, but the building is already in need of maintenance. The window is in poor condition, and the fireplace has been broken, so the members of Kristiina-seura have some work to do. However, Kapanmitta is a good example that large-scale efforts are not always needed for the maintenance of a building, says building researcher Outi Orhanen.
There is not much precise information about Kapanmitta’s history, as the building has never had a property number or address. Kapanmitta first appears on Kristiinankaupunki’s maps in 1825. Originally, Kapanmitta was apparently a residence for a poor family, likely the residence of a miller. In the 1950s, it was a shoemaker’s workshop. Most recently, in the early 1960s, Kapanmitta was used as a meeting place for scouts.
– Researching the building’s history is an important part of the building’s maintenance plan, Orhanen explains.
The Adopt a Monument initiative began at the Pirkanmaa Regional Museum in 2009 and has expanded to Central Finland, Satakunta, Helsinki, Vantaa, and South Karelia. The activity is carried out under the guidance of a local or regional museum. The adoption of Kapanmitta began at the initiative of the Carlsro Museum of Kristiinankaupunki.