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The city has awarded the cultural grants for the year 2024

Published: 24.1.2024

The City of Vaasa’s Culture Section has made decisions on the cultural grants for 2024. Grants and operating grants are awarded annually to various actors.

This year, the Culture Section allocated €190 700 in cultural grants. Furthermore, this year, for the first time, artists and associations were given a rent subsidy for the former Opistotalo, as from autumn 2023, cultural actors have had the possibility to rent premises in the former Opistotalo. After the closing of the operations in Barracks 13 at the end of 2023, the rental budget of the building has been transferred from the budget of the Cultural Services to the rental support for the cultural use of the Opistotalo.

– This year, we wanted to support the activities of the Vaasa Artists Guild more strongly, as the association will now take over the management of the Vaasa City Art Gallery. Also, after a break of a few years, the Culture Section awarded two 3-year operating grants to Sundom Bygdeförening r.f. for the activities of Meteoria, and to the puppet theatre association Pikku Aasi, says Jenni Niemi, Director of Culture.

Focus on Vaasa-Umeå cooperation

Grants will be awarded to various actors for individual projects and operating grants to support the activities of arts and cultural associations on a regular basis. Compared to last year, there were slightly fewer applicants. The focus of the grants remains on cooperation between Vaasa and Umeå.

– In terms of targeted grants, support was given for cultural exchanges to Umeå, a book about Vaasa’s street culture, and for live music activities, among others, says Sanna Bondas, Director of Culture and Library Services.

A total of 60 grant applications were received, of which 31 applications were for a target grant, 26 for a 1-year operating grant and three for a 3-year operating grant. The total amount requested was €356,108. The grants were open for applications during November 2023 via the online application system.

Cultural grant beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of the targeted grants were:

  • Arina-Sundelin Tuija, for an art exhibition, €800
  • Bergfors Markus, for a concert in Umeå, €1500
  • Jafarzi Noushin, for Persian Garden workshops, €800
  • Kaakinen Samuli, for album production, €1000
  • Karlsson Martin, for the production of a photo book, €800
  • Karppinen Pekka, for a book about street art in Vaasa, €1000
  • Lassus Anna-Stina, for an art exhibition, €800
  • Lumme Alexandra, for album production, €1500
  • Mahmoodi Koohi, cultural festival, facility support, Culture House Fanny
  • Monnet Tiina, youth theatre group rehearsals, facility support, Culture House Fanny
  • Männi Maano, Toivo Kuula Days, €1000 + facility support, City Hall
  • Neri Alessandra, Community Festival 2024, facility support, Culture House Fanny
  • Pernaa Jussi, for the development of the 65Hz association operations, €1000
  • Suomen kirjastomuseoyhdistys, for public events, €1000
  • Vaasan Taidekerho ry, for open workshops in watercolour painting, €500
  • Wasaspexet, for a theatre performance, €1000
  • Vittaniemi Mirva, for a multidisciplinary art project in Umeå, €1000
  • Vähäkyrö-Seura ry, to hire a museum guide for the summer, €3100
  • Yli-Hynnilä Enni, for authorial work, €800
  • Österlund Jenni, for performance production, €1000

The beneficiaries of the operating grants were:

3-year grant period:

  • Puppet Theatre Association Pikku Aasi ry, €8000/year
  • Sundom bygdeförening rf, €8000/year

1-year grant period:

  • Katukulttuuri ry, €7000
  • Dots: förening för audiovisuell konst rf, €2000
  • Edvininpolun perinneseura ry, €600
  • Film Centre Botnia, €7500
  • Förening Brage i Vasa rf, €5000
  • Korsholm Music Festival, €38 000
  • Kpanlogo Yede ry, €1500
  • Platform rf, €5000
  • Pohjanmaan Maanpuolustuskilta ry, €5000
  • Pohjanmaan tanssi ry, €8000
  • Ristinummen Musiikkikoulu ry, €4500
  • Skafferiet rf, €6000
  • Tanssimajakka ry, €4000
  • The Doo-Bop Club rf, €2500
  • Understödsföreningen musikplattform Gerby rf, €1000
  • Unga Scenkompaniet rf, €5000
  • Vaasa Jazz Club ry, €1500
  • Vaasan Kalevalaiset, €500
  • Vaasan Kamarimuusikot ry, €2000
  • Vaasan Merihistorian yhdistys ry, €4000
  • Vaasan Taidegraafikot ry, €1500
  • Vaasa Artists Guild ry,  €10 000
  • Vaasan Työväenkulttuuriyhdistys ry, €500
  • Vaasan Ylioppilasteatteri Ramppi ry, €5500
  • Vasa Baroque rf, €20 000
  • Österbottens hantverk rf, €8000