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The brilliant colours of Vaskiluoto’s Meadow of Happiness are delightful
Published: 17.8.2022
Updated: 2.10.2022
A year ago, Vaasa residents were able to propose an anniversary gift for themselves with the 5,000 euros reserved for participatory budgeting in honour of Vaasa’s anniversary celebration. As a present for the people of Vaasa, it was decided to create a flower meadow in Vaskiluoto. The meadow, which blooms for the first time this summer, has delighted Vaasa residents with its colourful splendour.
The flower meadow has been planted in the Kaarlentie area of Vaskiluoto, right next to the Vaskiluoto fitness track.
Both annual and perennial flowers have been planted in the meadow. It is forbidden to pick the flowers, and residents are expected to let the meadow grow undisturbed.
– We hope that the meadow flowers will be allowed to seed without disturbance throughout August. Once the flowers have seeded at the beginning of September, the area will be mown and the clippings removed. We will then reseed the area in the following spring. The hope is to let the flowers in the area bloom to ensure there will also be flowers in the years to come, says green spaces horticulturist Leila Roininen.
Benches have also been brought to the flower meadow, where you can sit and relax and enjoy the glory of the flowers.
Vaasa residents have an opportunity to suggest a small dream which could be implemented in their neighbourhood to bring joy and happiness to everyone. The city has set aside 5,000 euros for the implementation of residents’ ideas through participatory budgeting. Last year, a flower meadow in Vaskiluoto was chosen as the idea to be implemented from among the applications. The flower meadow has been named the Meadow of Happiness.
– We think the idea of a meadow was wonderful and supports the soft values that the city wants to promote. Nature is known to be a good place to calm down in your own thoughts, says district service manager Suvi Aho.
Meadow of Happiness welcomes tourists
The idea of a flower meadow was proposed by Vaasa resident Matias Jungar. Jungar had got the idea of a flower meadow while on the way to his cabin.
– The meadow succeeded better than I could have expected. I’ve received feedback from people, especially neighbours, who say that it’s a wonderful idea. It seems that people understand the importance of the meadow, says Jungar when talking about the feedback he has received.
In the opinion of the voters of the proposal, the flower meadow supports biodiversity, the life of pollinators and a carbon-neutral Vaasa. Jungar also agrees.
– There are a lot of people moving around in Vaskiluoto, for whom the meadow can serve as inspiration. A flower meadow is easier to maintain compared to a lawn and a better option for pollinators. In terms of biodiversity and the cityscape, the flower meadow is a step in the right direction, says Jungar.
The Vaskiluoto district is changing and getting a new partial master plan. In the middle of an industrial zone, the meadow does not go unnoticed by passers-by.
– My idea was that the flower meadow would act as a welcome gift and greeting for tourists arriving from Sweden, Jungars says about his suggestion.