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Temporary traffic arrangements at Hovioikeudenpuistikko intersections
Published: 16.9.2024
Speed tables will be repaired at the intersections of Hovioikeudenpuistikko with Pitkäkatu and Ratakatu on 17–18 September. The purpose is to smooth the approach to the raised intersection area.
For the duration of the work, the street at the Hovioikeudenpuistikko/Pitkäkatu intersection will be closed on 17 September from 4.30–17.00. Traffic on Pitkäkatu coming from Hietasaarenkatu will be redirected to Hovioikeudenpuistikko. From the direction of Vaasanpuistikko, only service access and access to plots are allowed up to the intersection.
Work will continue at the Hovioikeudenpuistikko/Ratakatu intersection on 18 September from 4.30–17.00. Traffic coming from Hietasaarenkatu will be redirected via Rosteninkatu to Hovioikeudenpuistikko. The branch lane of the roundabout leading to Hietasaarenkatu will be closed.
Lifti line 44 will follow an alternative route during the construction work, but the bus will stop at all scheduled stops.