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Roadworks on Gerbyn Rantatie will cause traffic changes
Published: 29.8.2024
Roadworks to improve crossings and the bicycle lane on Gerbyn Rantatie, which began in May, will continue throughout August and September. The work is due to be completed in September.
The roadworks will focus on the section between Rajarinne and Rantalahdentie. In August, the work will continue with earthworks, excavation and backfilling. The resurfacing of the road is scheduled to begin in early September. After resurfacing, the work will be completed with road markings, verge work and the installation of traffic signs.
Kerbs have been installed at the junctions of Länsimetsäntie to clarify traffic flow and enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Due to high speeds in the area, the kerbs are intended to slow down traffic, ensuring the safety of light traffic. Visibility at the crossings has also been improved by removing branches and bushes.
Traffic arrangements in the work zone will change as the work progresses. During the roadworks, traffic in the work zone is directed by signs. All road users are asked to pay attention to the changing traffic arrangements and to use extra caution in the work zone.