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Propose a new name for the former education centre: competition open from 15 to 29 February 2024
Published: 14.2.2024
The former education centre, located on the site of Maasilta, has been transformed into a working space for artists and cultural operators. The new use of the building means that it needs a new name, and we ask you to propose one! The competition is open to everyone from 15 to 29 February 2024.
Since last autumn, twenty artists from a wide range of disciplines, including visual arts, music, theatre, film, and dance, have been working in the former education centre, previously known as Opistotalo. The artists have access to studios as well as rehearsal and performance spaces.
Although the primary purpose of the house is to provide working spaces, it is also hoped to increase the number of public events, workshops, and performances of various artistic disciplines.
– There has been plenty of interest in the workspaces, but the building is large and there are still some spaces available for rent, says Jenni Niemi, Director of Culture.
Other operators, such as associations, also have the possibility to rent available spaces.
New use, new name
– We’ve gotten feedback on the old name, saying that it is easily confused with the premises of the Alma adult education centre. So, this is a good time to help shape the name of the building to fit the new purpose, says Niemi.
You can send your name proposal until 29 February to the Cultural Director of the City of Vaasa by e-mail to jenni.niemi@vaasa.fi. There will be a prize draw among the participants in the competition tickets to the City of Vaasa museums.
Completed in 1939, the white functionalist building has been home to a variety of activities over the decades. The building, designed by architect Erkki Huttunen, was originally a commercial building for SOK until the late 1970s. The building was bought by the City of Vaasa in 1985 and renamed Opistotalo in 1987, when Vaasan Työväenopisto, an adult education centre, moved in. In the same year, the Vaasa Regional Archives also moved into the building. In 2016, the education centre operations moved to Raastuvankatu 33, which is now known as the Vaasa Adult Education Centre Alma.