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Lonely on “Friend’s Day”? Get to know the meeting places in Vaasa

Published: 12.2.2024

Are you longing for a new friend? Do you want to belong to a group? We have compiled the meeting places, open living rooms, group activities and friend activities of the city onto one page.

See the meeting places in Vaasa

By friend and group, we mean the companionship that is often celebrated in Finland on Valentine’s Day.

Social relationships are a key part of human well-being and mental health. We have a natural need to feel that we belong. Some people may need a wide network of friends, while others may be content with one or two closer friends. If the social network does not meet one’s needs, a person may experience loneliness.

Dare to join an activity that interests you

Loneliness is common, and there can be many reasons for it, such as moving to a new city, quitting a hobby, ending a relationship, having children, or a shrinking circle of friends as one gets older.

If loneliness persists, it can easily become a cycle where social situations are avoided because they feel burdensome. Lonely people also tend to pay attention to negative aspects in social situations. Loneliness can even expose a person to many illnesses in the long run—it is more harmful to health than smoking or being overweight.

We hope you dare to join an activity that interests you and find meaningful company!

Here are some examples of meeting places: