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Library reduces the number of new books with plastic covers
Published: 19.12.2023
The Vaasa City Library will experiment over the next year with significantly reducing the amount of plastic used in new acquisitions. One of the aims is to be more ecological and sustainable. Other libraries have been used as inspiration.
The Vaasa City Library acquires around 18 000 books a year, and the convention has been to shield them with plastic covering. Next year, only adult fiction books will be covered in plastic, as they often have loose paper sleeves that would not stand up to wear and tear without the extra cover. For example, new books for children and young people will not be wrapped in plastic at all during the trial.
Other libraries, such as the city libraries of Helsinki, Kuopio and Seinäjoki have also experimented with not using plastic. Vaasa has been particularly inspired by the experiences gained in Seinäjoki.
-The library monitors the condition of the material and, based on the condition and feedback, considers making adjustments later on,” says Sanna Bondas, Director of Cultural and Library Services.
By not using plastic, the library wants to act in accordance with more ecological principles, but also to make financial savings in a tightening economic situation.
The Culture and Library Services has given sustainability a ghigh profile in its 2024 targets. Reducing plastic waste is one element and measure towards this goal. In other respects, sustainability is to be promoted, for example, by supporting a socially sustainable city through the operation and accessibility of the cultural and library services, through carbon footprint mapping and evaluation and the subsequent measures, and through staff training.