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InfoFinland website adds international appeal to Vaasa
Published: 31.8.2021
The City of Vaasa has finally joined the InfoFinland online service under the leadership of the Welcome Steps project. InfoFinland serves people who are planning to move to Finland, those who have already moved to Finland, the Authorities, as well as those working with immigrants in the City of Vaasa. The City of Vaasa will partner with InfoFinland for the contract period 2021-2024.
InfoFinland www.infofinland.fi is a way to highlight Vaasa worldwide along with the opportunities the city has to offer to students and international experts. Vaasa’s InfoFinland pages are now published in Finnish, Swedish and English. The pages are currently being translated into Arabic, Farsi, Russian, Estonian, Somali and Chinese. Later, the pages will be translated into Spanish, Turkish and French.
– Joining will bring Vaasa more international visibility and attractiveness to work-related immigration and respond to the current labour requirements, one good example being the planned battery industry, says Jaana Oba, Welcome Steps Project Manager.
The InfoFinland website is currently under development, so the City of Vaasa will also be involved in the upgrade of the website.
– Vaasa joining and producing content for the InfoFinland website has been a process that has lasted for almost a year and has required a lot of work in addition to achieving other project goals. I am really pleased that we will be able to publish the pages during the first phase of the project on 31 August, says Welcome Steps Project Worker Päivi Ilmonen.
Regarding Vaasa, InfoFinland provides information on the city’s working life and entrepreneurship, housing, education and health-related issues. The website also presents Vaasa’s culture, sports and leisure opportunities, nature sites and the activities of associations.
– The InfoFinland service is a really necessary service in Vaasa. In the future, the Welcome Office will coordinate the content of InfoFinland’s Vaasa pages, explains the Welcome Office’s Service Advisor Petra Winberg.
A nationwide, multilingual website gathers information about Finland
InfoFinland is a nationwide, multilingual website maintained by the City of Helsinki, which brings together important information in 12 different languages for those planning to move to Finland or are already living here. At InfoFinland, users can find reliable, native-language information on moving to Finland, working, studying, living, education, health, family, problem situations and leisure time activities.
The information is constantly updated and is available regardless of place and time. Funders include the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of the Environment, Kela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland), the Finnish Tax Administration and partner municipalities.
InfoFinland is easy to use on various platforms and devices, such as smartphones or tablets. InfoFinland is also responsible for the municipality’s obligation to arrange equal access to services by providing information about Finnish society and the city’s services in a person’s native language.