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Free bus transport for school classes to cultural destinations next year
Published: 10.12.2024
In 2025, basic education students in Vaasa will be able to travel free of charge by bus to cultural destinations such as museums and libraries during school hours. The aim of this pilot project is to make public transport increasingly child-friendly.
Next year, school classes in Vaasa, accompanied by a teacher, will be able to travel by bus free of charge to destinations such as museums, concerts, and theatres during school hours. The free bus rides will particularly benefit schools located further from the city centre.
Päivi Kaarniemi, the principal of Variska Comprehensive School, welcomes the decision.
– This brings cultural and recreational offerings closer to us. Until now, we have had to carefully consider which trips our budget can cover. Now, we can visit more museums, exhibitions, music events, sports events and venues, as well as other destinations related to different subjects, even at short notice, Kaarniemi explains.
Visits are related to the cultural education plan
Visits to cultural destinations are part of the basic education cultural curriculum, which specifies content for each grade level. For example, first graders visit the library, fourth graders attend a concert by the City Orchestra and a theatre performance, and seventh graders visit a museum.
The City of Vaasa’s cultural curriculum aims to ensure that all children and young people in Vaasa have an equal opportunity to experience and engage with local culture and the arts in a variety of ways.
Plenty of space on buses in the middle of the day
The high prices of chartered buses have been a significant barrier to organising visits, especially for schools located further from the city centre.
– Passenger numbers on public transport in the Vaasa region are lower during midday, in other words during school hours. One school class can easily travel by bus during the day on a single Lifti service, says Transport Manager Pertti Hällilä.
The pilot runs from 1 January to 31 December 2025, on weekdays from 08.30 to 13.30. School classes must always travel under the supervision of a teacher.
The Public Transport Board decided on the pilot in its meeting on 27 November 2024.
The Child-Friendly Municipality model focuses on developing public transport
The City of Vaasa participates in the UNICEF Child-friendly municipality model. The action plan outlines five goals, and is and when these are achieved, Vaasa could receive the UNICEF Child-Friendly Municipality recognition.
One of the goals is to develop public transport routes and timetables. The free bus rides for school classes, set to be piloted, are a practical initiative aimed at providing children and young people in Vaasa with equal opportunities to experience and engage with local culture and the arts in diverse ways.