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For the first time, Vaasa is preparing a language programme for the whole city - tell us your opinion!
Published: 7.5.2021
Almost 100 languages are spoken in Vaasa, which goes to show that multilingualism is an important part of an international city like ours. This also explains why multilingualism is strongly reflected in the City of Vaasa’s ongoing extensive language programme. In particular, there is a desire to further increase the use of English in the city’s services. Residents now have the opportunity to influence the preliminary language programme and express their opinions until 16 May 2021.
The language programme has been prepared together with representatives of the city’s various units in a working group chaired by the Director of Administrative Services, Jari Karjalainen. The work is in line with the national language strategy issued by the Government, the aim of which is to ensure that the fundamental linguistic rights of speakers of national languages can be fully implemented. The guidelines of the Ministry of Justice and the Association of Finnish Municipalities have been utilised in the work together with the City of Vaasa’s strategy.
– We now want to hear the thoughts of the city’s residents and employees regarding the content of the programme. Based on the comments received, we will be working on the language programme to make it even better, says the secretary of the working group, District Service Manager Suvi Aho.
Answer the survey by 16 May. The survey can be answered in Finnish, Swedish or English.
You can read the preliminary draft of the programme here.
The City of Vaasa is also organising a resident evening on 11 May 2021 from 17:00-18:00 via the Teams application. You will then be able to hear more about the event and discuss the language programme. There is no need to pre-register, and you can access the discussion from this Microsoft Teams link (join via PC or mobile app):