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First-graders showcased their skating skills at the Vaasan Sport skating school
Published: 21.2.2025
In February, first-graders were offered the opportunity to participate in the Vaasan Sport Juniors’ skating school. Class 1C from Huutoniemi School had the opportunity to test their skating skills at Vaasan Sähkö Arena.
The skating school was organised as part of the Schools on the Move project implemented in Finnish-language basic education. In February, a total of 275 first-grade pupils from Vaasa took part in the Sport Juniors’ skating school.
– One of our key themes is improving children’s basic motor skills. This is done as part of the project through cooperation with sports clubs, such as the Vaasan Sport Juniors’ skating school, says Sanna Laulaja, project coordinator and Variska Comprehensive School PE teacher.
Schools on the Move promotes well-being and school enjoyment
The goal of the Schools on the Move programme is to promote and enhance the well-being and school enjoyment of students in grades 1–9, and to help them adopt an active lifestyle.
– Our aim is to involve all schools in promoting their students’ daily physical activity. The goal is to add movement to every school day, Laulaja says.
Active school commutes
This school year, schools are also promoting active school commutes.
– We encourage students to travel to school using their own muscle power, either on foot or by bike. In addition, students participating in Finnish-language basic education are asked how they travel to school. The survey provides concrete information about the modes of transport used for school commutes. The importance of active school commutes has also been communicated to guardians during parent-teacher meetings, Laulaja explains.
Another theme for this school year has been enhancing student participation.
– For example, older students organise physical activities for younger ones during breaks, Laulaja says.
Extended exercise breaks and the opportunity to borrow sports equipment
All finnish-speaking basic education schools in Vaasa, including primary and lower secondary grades, have been participating in the national Schools on the Move programme since 2015. All schools have a Schools on the Move team that plans ways to encourage physical activity among their students.
Many schools have already become more active by introducing, for example, extended exercise breaks, the opportunity to borrow sports equipment during the breaks, and a variety of physically engaging events throughout the school year. In addition, many schools have trained pupils to be break-time activity leaders.