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A girl hangs knitted squid on the fence.

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Find a Bugsy and Do a Good Deed!

Published: 16.2.2024

In Vaasa, the Year of Good Deeds is underway, with both small and large acts of kindness already totaling over 3000 recorded instances in the online counter. Soon, throughout Vaasa, you can discover knitted artworks that bring happiness to their finder - and to others! The creators of these joyful bugsies can be found at Taikon.

– It’s about a small act of kindness that has a positive impact on both the giver and the receiver. It’s easy to recycle happiness and good feelings by doing small, good deeds, says Mirka Johansson, Taikon’s visual arts curriculum coordinator teacher.

For a few months now, as part of Taikon’s basic art education, maritime-themed, happiness-inducing ”bugsies” have been created! In addition to Mirka Johansson, teachers Anne Viinikka and Matilda Byström, along with the students, are behind the initiative. The theme for the year at Taikon is ”On the World’s Seas,” and this is also reflected in the happiness-bringing bugsy.

Making use of crafts and good deeds

Johansson says that she had been reflecting on how handicrafts and a small piece of art could be combined in a task given to students; something that would bring a smile to the finder.

Children have made, among other things, octopuses and turtles out of yarn, accompanied by a small message. Even the yarn itself is the result of a good deed, as it was donated to Taikon by the Vöyri yarn shop.

Activities for winter break

During winter break week, Taikon’s students will take their handmade bugsies with them and can leave them in chosen places to await their finder.

If you find a Bugsy, you can give it a new home, as it would be truly happy about that. Bugsies live on little smiles, so you don’t need to feed it, nor do you need to take it out for a walk. Around 100 bugsies will venture out into the world, and one can be found hanging from a tree branch, atop a fence, on a bus, in a shopping center – really, anywhere, Johansson guides the search.

Spreading happiness around

Johansson’s previous initiatives promoting kindness, which have involved a wide range of Finns, have been held over several years: Woolen socks for all 100-year-olds made by Mirka and citizens, Lucia-grandma, Special-Lucia (young people with developmental disabilities), A Christmas flower for someone who’s lonely in collaboration with the Finnish Red Cross.

– Let’s let goodness circulate because it always comes back around, Johansson’s motto goes.

– The residents of Vaasa have demonstrated their selfless helpfulness through the good deeds that have been recorded so far. You can also nominate a benefactor to the counter, so if you receive help or witness a good deed, remember to mark it in the counter as well, advises Leena Forsén, Communications and Marketing Director of the City of Vaasa.

The Year of Good Deeds is part of the City of Vaasa’s strategic goal to increase the happiness of its residents.