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Family cycling day kicks off cycling week – a week of cycling activities in Vaasa
Published: 23.4.2024
Updated: 30.4.2024
National Cycling Week is once again happening in May. In Vaasa, the week starts on Saturday, May 4, with the Family Cycling Day taking over the market square. Throughout the week, there will also be a free breakfast for cyclists, a cycling event at all seven youth clubs in Vaasa, and a guided bike ride to Närvänmutka’s grilling hut with Vaasa’s ski trail association.
This year, the Family Cycling Day at the market square will be themed ‘Get Your Bike in Shape.’ During the day, you can, among other things, service your bike and try out the pump track and skills course, where you can use your own bike, borrow kick bikes, or use a skateboard.
– The aim of the Family Cycling Day is to enjoy an energetic but safe event themed around cycling. It’s recommended to bring your own bike, but there will also be opportunities to test various bikes at local bike shops’ stands, says Samuli Huusko, project engineer for cycling and walking.
Cycling clubs present at the event include the Waasa Watt Warriors road cycling club, Vasa Idrottssällskap VIS på cykel, the Trail Riders Vaasa mountain biking club, and the international charity project Team Rynkeby. You can also compete at the Wasa Royals throwing stand and learn about VPS’s activities and test an inflatable football pitch.
In addition to the Family Cycling Day, several cycling events will take place in Vaasa throughout the week. On Tuesday, there will be a free breakfast for cyclists, on Friday, there will be a cycling event at youth clubs, and on Saturday, there will be a guided bike ride to Närvänmutka’s grilling hut with Vaasa’s ski trail association. See the full schedule below.
Theme of the Year: Traffic Peace
This year’s National Cycling Week will be themed ‘Traffic Peace – peaceful traffic environments and sensible road users.’ A peaceful and safe traffic environment and traffic culture are factors that increase the attractiveness of cycling for all ages.
– In recent years, a lot has been done in Vaasa to improve traffic safety. We have, among other things, separated walking and cycling on several main routes, participated in the ‘Fiksusti kouluun’ project to improve school route safety, and installed flashing Välkky posts at busy intersections. Intersection arrangements will also be improved in the future, and plans include a comprehensive safety audit on main walking and cycling routes, Huusko says.
Promoting cycling is a key part of Vaasa’s well-being plan, which outlines goals and measures to promote health, well-being, and safety for all ages.
– Measures taken to promote cycling and other everyday physical activity are very effective and cost-efficient ways to encourage a physically active lifestyle and increase the necessary physical activity for health and physical functioning, says Hanna-Mari Joutsen, health promotion coordinator.
Cycling Week Programme
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Family Cycling Day, Vaasa Market Square from 10:00 to 15:00
- Local bike shops showcase their collections. You can also test a selection of bikes. Salama Bikes and Cycli will be present, along with Ari Korpilahti from Wasa Bike Service who will provide advice on bike maintenance.
- Trail Riders Vaasa mountain biking club presents their activities
- Waasa Watt Warriors road cycling club presents their activities from 10:00 to 11:00, followed by a group bike ride that all can join.
- The 15–20 km ride will include both asphalt and gravel roads.
- The pace will be leisurely to ensure everyone can keep up. To participate, you’ll need a functional and safe bike and a cycling helmet.
- Remember to familiarise yourself with group riding rules: https://www.waasawattwarriors.fi/main/etusivu/ryhmaajo/
- Vasa Idrottssällskap VIS på cykel presents their activities
- Vaasa mountain bike rental. Opportunity to test electric bikes
- Finnish Red Cross first aid station and a health care point for plush toys
- The Finnish Road Safety Council’s stand
- Charity project Team Rynkeby presenting their activities, ‘Bike from Finland to Paris’
- Skills course on which you can use your own bike or skateboard, or borrow a kick bike or a skateboard
- Pump track and play area
- Vaasa City Youth Services. Youth instructors will be present to supervise skateboard testing. Youth information service Reimari will present its activities.
- Youth Council and Vaasa City stands, free balloons!
- Silveria cafe trailer selling snacks and coffee
- Wasa Royals throwing stand
- VPS (a local soccer club) presents its activities and holds an inflatable football pitch
- TaiKon’s handicraft workshop and a dance performance by TaiKon’s group Contemporary Dance 1
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Bike to Work Day. The city offers cyclists breakfast from 7 to 9 or up until supplies last.
Distribution Points:
- Onkilahti Park at the Paperisilta/Putusilta bridge
- Kirkkopuistikko at Vaasa Church courtyard
- Ruutikellarintie at the Vamia parking lot
Cycling event in Vähäkyrö at the Vähäkyrö-talo from 9 to 16. A bike that can be borrowed from the library will be on display. Coffee and a raffle.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Bike to School Day encourages students, teachers, and other staff to travel to school by bike. In Vaasa, schools have been encouraged to organise bike checks and traffic education during the day.
Friday, May 10, 2024
Cycling event at youth clubs in Vaasa. A delicious prize awaits those who arrive by bike.
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Cycling Tourism Day. Cycle to Närvänmutka’s grilling hut at Pilvilampi. Vaasa Ski Trail Association will run a café, and Vaasa City will provide juice and sausages from 10:00 to 15:00 or until supplies last.
During the Cycling Week, there will also be a free family sports event at Botniahalli on Thursday May 9, 2024. At the event, you can try different sports, see club performances, and learn about club activities. We encourage you to come to the event on your own bike.