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Exposures in schools and daycare centres will only be reported in Wilma in future
Published: 12.1.2022
The City of Vaasa no longer publishes information about coronavirus exposures in schools and daycare centres on its website, social media channels or the media.
Extensive tracing has been abandoned in the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia now that accurate data on the number of people exposed is delayed, and due to the worsening pandemic situation. Schools and daycare centres will continue to inform about exposures to parents and guardians through Wilma.
The Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia announced on Monday, 10 January, that extensive tracing will have to be abandoned due to the exponential increase in the number of coronavirus infections. There is no longer time to call all those infected, so an infected person should therefore inform anybody they have been in contact with 48 hours before the onset of symptoms or taking the coronavirus test.
– The deteriorating situation can also be seen in schools and daycare centres in Vaasa. As confirmed information on the number of exposures now comes with a delay, we will discontinue informing about coronavirus exposures on the city’s website, social media channels and the media. Schools and daycare centres will continue to inform about incidents to parents and guardians through Wilma, says City Mayor Tomas Häyry.
– The most important thing now is that we all play our part and follow the common rules to get the situation under control. For now, it is strongly recommended to avoid all social situations, reminds Häyry.
The decision to stop publicly informing about school and daycare centre exposures was made by the city’s crisis management team on Monday, 10 January.
Bulletin from the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia (in Finnish)