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Enrolment for pre-primary education starts on 9 January
Published: 9.1.2025
Children born in 2019 in Vaasa are enrolled electronically in pre-primary education from 9 to 31 January 2025.
Electronic enrolment and more information on pre-primary education
Children must be enrolled in pre-primary education even if they are already in early childhood education and the place of early childhood education will not change when moving on to preschool.
If a child needs supplementary early childhood education and care before and/or after preschool hours, the child’s need for early childhood education and care should also be indicated in the online enrolment. Preschool education is provided for 4 hours daily (9–13).
Home address determines pre-primary education placement
Children are placed in pre-primary education based on their home address, within the boundaries of the basic education district. This means that parents or guardians cannot choose a pre-primary education placement at a specific daycare centre or within a particular area.
The only exceptions to placement in the nearest pre-primary education unit are Swedish language immersion, English-language early childhood education, and Steiner kindergarten.
Options for pre-primary education placement
- Placement in the nearest pre-primary education unit based on the School Path and the child’s home address
- Children are placed in pre-primary education based on their home address, within the boundaries of the basic education district.
- Select this option if your child is NOT attending a language immersion programme, English Playschool or Steiner daycare centre Tiitiäinen.
- Pre-primary education as part of the Swedish language immersion programme.
- Select this option if your child is currently participating in the language immersion programme at the Huvikumpu or Satamapuisto daycare centres. You can also opt for placement in the nearest pre-primary education unit in accordance with the School Path.
- Steiner kindergarten Tiitiäinen
- Select this option if your child is currently attending Steiner Kindergarten Tiitiäinen. You can also opt for placement in the nearest pre-primary education unit in accordance with the School Path.
- Places may be available.
- Vaasa English Playschool
- Select this option if your child is currently attending Vaasa English Playschool. You can also opt for placement in the nearest pre-primary education unit in accordance with the School Path.
- Registration for pre-primary education at Vaasan kristillinen koulu (Vaasa Christian School) is done directly through the school. For more information: www.vakri.fi or Principal Henrik Vähäkangas, henrik.vahakangas@vaasankristillinenkoulu.fi, tel. 050 910 9453.
When registering online, please select one of the options above for a pre-school placement.
- If you select the nearest pre-primary education unit in accordance with the School Path, you cannot select a specific unit.
- Note! Please do not select the option ‘all units’ (kaikki toimintayksiköt) in the application, as this option is only visible for technical reasons.
- Finnish-language pre-primary education for children who require evening, night, and weekend care is provided at the Punahilkka daycare centre.
- Evening, night, and weekend care for Swedish-speaking children is provided at the Punahilkka daycare centre, while pre-primary education is provided at the local pre-primary education unit based on their home address. · Link to the online service for early childhood education and care.
The decision regarding pre-primary education placements will be sent to homes in March
A written decision regarding admission to pre-primary education and the assigned pre-primary education placement will be sent to guardians by March at the latest (either by post or electronically, according to the family’s preference). The pre-primary education placement must be accepted in writing by the deadline specified in the decision.
In Vaasa, pre-primary education for children born in 2019 will begin on 18 August 2025. Pre-primary education is free of charge and provided for four hours a day.
Secondary application for pre-primary education placements in April
A secondary application for pre-primary education placements will take place in April 2025. At that time, guardians can apply for any available pre-primary education placements.
- Example: Based on the home address, a pre-primary education placement has been assigned to the child at Teeriniemi daycare centre. During the secondary application in April, the child’s guardians may apply for a pre-primary education placement at Purola daycare centre, provided there are available places at Purola.
Guardians may apply for only one new pre-primary education placement for their child.
If there are more applicants for secondary pre-primary education placements than available places, the selection will be made by drawing lots. No other reasons will affect the selection.
- Example: There are five applicants for just one available place at Vikinga Förskola. The available place will be assigned by drawing lots among the applicants.
Decisions regarding secondary pre-primary education placements will be communicated to parents by the end of April.
For more information, please contact:
Early Childhood Education Service Coordination, varhaiskavatus.palveluohjaus@vaasa.fi, tel. 06 325 2552 (Mon-Thu from 9 to 15)
Service Manager Maria Karvonen, maria.karvonen@vaasa.fi, tel. 050 325 4821