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Electric power distribution planned for GigaVaasa battery factory area
Published: 12.1.2023
At its meeting on 16 January, the city board will discuss EPV Alueverkko Oy's substation planning reservation for the GigaVaasa battery factory area. When implemented, the substation will be one of the most important added-value services in the battery industry area, which will enable sufficient electric power distribution for the future operators of the industrial area.
When completed, the GigaVaasa industrial cluster will be large even on a Nordic scale. A lot of electric power is needed for the area, and in addition, the system must withstand the usual single faults in the network and the disconnection of a failed component without interrupting production or consumption and without consequential faults.
EPV has begun to develop a phased progression model to ensure services in accordance with the required electrical connections. Initially, a 110 kV double line and the Laajametsä substation will be built in the area, where the first operators can connect and receive the electrical power they require. In the following and third phase, electricity transmission will be expanded as the area expands. Space and routes for the future electrical distribution of the entire area have already been reserved.
– The GigaVaasa area being built in Vaasa’s Laajametsä area will become a very significant consumer intensive hotspot in terms of electrical consumption. EPV Alueverkko has started the planning and permit process for the area in order to enable sufficient electrical transmission needs for the future operators of the industrial area. For example, for the location and expansion of the substation, we have applied for a reserved area of 40,000 m2, which would cover the electric power distribution needs of the entire GigaVaasa industrial area, says EPV Alueverko’s Managing Director Jukka Rajala.
– When implemented, the substation will be one of the most important added-value services in the battery industry area, because the production stages of the battery industry are energy-intensive and dependent on an uninterrupted supply of electrical energy, says the director of the City of Vaasa’s Urban Environment Sector, Markku Järvelä.
The substation is connected to the national electricity grid, among other places at Fingrid’s Tuovila substation, where a significant expansion is being completed.