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Decide who will shape your daily life – vote in the county and municipal elections! You can cast your vote at 14 advance polling stations in Vaasa

Published: 19.3.2025

The official election day for the county and municipal elections is 13 April, with early voting available from 2 to 8 April.

In the municipal elections, Vaasa residents vote for members of the Vaasa City Council and other city decision-making bodies. In the county elections, they elect members to the County Council of the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia for the term starting on 1 June 2025 and ending on 31 May 2029.

Municipal councils, elected in the municipal elections, make decisions regarding the municipality’s operations and finances. Under their authority, various bodies are responsible for decisions on areas such as education, early childhood education and care, sports, employment services, libraries, and culture. The council is the highest decision-making body of the municipality.

The County Councils are responsible for organising social and healthcare services, as well as emergency services, within their respective Wellbeing Services Counties.

Voting in advance

An eligible voter is entitled to vote in advance at any public advance polling station in Finland or abroad. Early voting will be available in Finland from 2 to 8 April and abroad from 2 to 5 April.

The early voting locations and times in Vaasa can be found at

Voting on the election day

On election day, 13 April, voters can cast their vote only at the polling station indicated on the notification (polling card) they have received.

All polling stations open on the official election day can be found at

Voting at home

Individuals whose ability to move and function is so restricted that they cannot reach a polling station or advance voting location without undue difficulty, are entitled to vote in advance from home.

In home voting, a caregiver living in the same household as the person entitled to home voting, may also vote. Notification of home voting must be made by Tuesday, 1 April 2025, at 16.00 by calling 06 325 1550 (Monday to Thursday, 10.00–16.00, and Friday, 10.00–15.00) or by emailing

Institutional voting

Voting will also be organised for residents permanently residing in institutions. The institutions will be separately informed about the arrangements for advance voting on their premises.

Learn more about the elections online

Information about voting, right to vote, publication of election results, and candidates is available at

For questions regarding voting rights and notification cards, you can contact the Digital and Population Data Services Agency by phone at 029 553 6370.