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Culture and Sports Committee proposes a pause in opera productions and an increase in fees for adult sports sessions
Published: 17.4.2024
The Culture and Sports Committee discussed cost-saving measures at its meeting on April 16, 2024. The Committee proposes to the City Board that opera productions would not be implemented in the years 2026–2027 and that the fee for sports sessions for adults would be increased. The Committee wants to ensure that the Swimming Hall and museums will be open on Sundays as well.
Among the proposed cost-saving measures for cultural and sports services, the most discussed topics in the committee were the opera activities at Vaasa City Theatre, sports sessions for senior citizens, reception services at the Swimming Hall on Sundays, and the Sunday opening hours of the museums.
The committee does not want to introduce fees to sports sessions for senior citizens. Instead, savings are sought by proposing an increase in fees for adult sports sessions to the City Board.
The committee wants to keep the Swimming Hall open on weekends within the existing opening hours without reducing them by two hours per day. The committee did not propose an alternative cost-saving measure.
The Committee also proposes that one of the museum sites remains open on Sundays. The committee did not propose an alternative cost-saving measure. Vaasa City Museums consist of four different museum sites. In the cost-saving measures, the museums would be closed from Sunday to Tuesday.
There is no intention to completely discontinue opera activities. Instead, it is proposed to the City Board that opera productions are not implemented in the years 2026–2027.
Balancing proposals will proceed to the City Board and City Council
Regarding cultural and library services, the largest savings proposed were the closure of Palosaari Library.
Regarding Vaasa City Sports Services, the Committee proposed that a fee for children and youth practice sessions in city-managed facilities should be introduced starting from the autumn of 2024. The committee stressed that the fee should be moderate (i.e., €3–8/h) depending on the size of the facility in question.
The Committee approved both proposals and will forward them to the City Board and City Council for approval.
Following the committee review, the balancing proposals will proceed to the City Board on April 22, 2024 and to the City Council on April 29, 2024.
The City of Vaasa is implementing an economic balancing programme. The goal of the programme is to find savings of approximately 40–50 million euros in the city’s operations for the years 2024–2027. The pressure for savings is largely due to the generally weakened financial situation of municipalities, resulting from reduced amounts of both tax revenue and central government transfers to the municipal governments. Several other municipalities in Finland are facing the same situation.