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Changes to traffic arrangements on Välitie – traffic temporarily diverted
Published: 28.1.2025
The section of Välitie between Haukankatu and Huuhkajankatu will be closed to traffic from 3 to 14 February 2025 due to street construction work.
The aforementioned section of Välitie will be closed due to challenging street construction work on Kirjosieponkatu. New infrastructure is being constructed from the end of Huuhkajankatu towards Kirjosieponkatu. The section of Välitie is being closed for safety reasons.
Vehicle traffic will be diverted from Välitie via Huuhkajankatu, Teeriniemenkatu, and Haukankatu back to Välitie, and vice versa. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic will be directed past the construction site via temporary routes and zebra crossings.
The arrangement will not affect bus services.
The red indicates the closed section of Mellanvägen, and the blue indicates the detour route.