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Apply for the Music Classes: application for preschoolers, second graders and sixth graders
Published: 18.12.2023
Updated: 2.1.2024
Music Classes, that is, a learning path of basic education with special focus on music skills, has a long tradition in our city: we have had the Music Classes in Vaasa for over 40 years! Applications for the Music Classes are open in January and February for preschoolers, second-graders, and sixth-graders.
The City of Vaasa’s music classes, grades 1–9, are taught at the Onkilahti Comprehensive School. Classes start in the first grade and continue throughout basic education.
In the Music Classes, the emphasis in arts and crafts education is on music. Music lessons include a wide range of singing and playing activities, such as choirs and bands. Pupils in the music classes get the chance to perform at school parties and concerts. Many pupils who studied music here have turned music into a lifelong hobby or even a career!
Opting to study according to the Music Classes leaning path has an impact on the choice of subjects in secondary school (especially in grades 8th–9th): the optional arts subjects (two lessons per week) are focused on the music subjects started in primary school. However, the pupils still have three weekly lessons per year to choose from among the options available.
Info session for parents of preschoolers 11 January 2024
An info session will be organised for parents of preschool pupils, that is, future first-year pupils, in cooperation with Kuula-Opisto:
- Thursday 11 January 2024 at 18:00
- Onkilahti Comprehensive School (Vuorikatu 7), in the music classroom of the primary classes
- No need to register for the event.
- Further information: vice-rector Kati Nuojua, kati.nuojua@edu.vaasa.fi
The curriculum for music classes in Vaasa is based on the national core curriculum’s music curriculum. The objectives set for the music classes are more demanding than those set in the curriculum (e.g. number of lessons).
Pupils are encouraged to choose an instrument to learn in cooperation with the city’s music education providers. Teachers of music classes are responsible for theory.
Application for pre-school children to the music classes
For the 2024 application, the Music Classes are trying out a procedure, where selection will be based on personal interest. In addition, pre-school teachers will be asked to assess the pupil’s ability to study in a music class. No aptitude test will be used here.
School enrolment opens on Wilma on Monday 8 January 2024 and closes on Sunday 21 January 2024. All pre-school pupils applying for the music classes must first register for school.
After that, the guardians fill in a request to change their neighbourhood school in Wilma (you can find it under ‘Forms’: School registration / Application for change of neighbourhood school / participation in special lines).
Admission to the music classes will be announced during March 2024.
Application for music class for second grade pupils
A supplementary application for the third grade will be organised, giving all second-grade pupils in Vaasa the opportunity to apply for the music classes.
An aptitude test will be organised for this group as follows:
- Onkilahti Comprehensive School (Vuorikatu 7, primary grades’ classrooms)
- To register for this aptitude test, send an e-mail to anna.hautala@vaasa.fi between 5 and 20 February 2024.
- Please indicate your child’s name, current school, and the phone number of the child’s guardian.
- For further information: vice-rector 0405423240, the music teachers of the primary classes 0401617117
The aptitude test assesses motivation and ability to study music. After the registration deadline, the guardian will be informed of the exact time of the aptitude test either by e-mail or by telephone. Children will come to the event together with their guardians.
Application for music classes for sixth-graders
A supplementary application for the seventh grade will be organised, giving all sixth-grade pupils in Vaasa the opportunity to apply.
In secondary school music classes, the pupils can perform in a variety of concerts (including a band concert), and in grade 9 they can create their own musical or themed concert. Pupils learn to play a variety of instruments and sing in a choir.
An aptitude test is organised at Onkilahti Comprehensive School for pupils wishing to enter Music Classes. In the aptitude test, the music teacher interviews the pupil, tests his or her music reading skills, and the pupil is required to sing a short song of his or her choice. The pupil may choose to give a voluntary performance on any instrument.
- To register for this test, please send an e-mail to tarja.luomala@vaasa.fi between 8 January and 5 February 2024.
- The aptitude test will take place on 7 March 2024 from 13.15 to 15.00.
- The guardian will be informed of the exact time of the aptitude test after the registration deadline either by e-mail or by telephone.
- For further information please contact: rector Jari Jaskari, tel. 040 1589640 or secondary school music teacher heidi.kalliokoski@edu.vaasa.fi