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Anna Buss appointed as the new Director of Early Childhood Education and Care for Vaasa
Published: 31.5.2024
Anna Buss, MEd, has been appointed as the new Director of Early Childhood Education and Care for the City of Vaasa, effective from May 29, 2024.
Anna Buss will start working in her new role on August 1, 2024. She has been working as the Head of Student and Academic Affairs at Åbo Akademi and most recently as the Project Manager for a project related to early childhood education.
Buss is set to defend her PhD in Education, specialising in early childhood education, in June 2024. She also holds a degree in Social Services (Early Childhood Education), a qualification in Educational Administration (qualified as a rector), and a teacher’s pedagogical qualification.
Through her current role, Buss has established a wide network within the field of early childhood education and is well-equipped to develop early childhood education in Vaasa.
– The City of Vaasa appeals to me due to its multilingualism, high-quality early childhood education, and development-oriented mindset. The field of early childhood education is vast, which I find very inspiring. It also provides me with the opportunity to continue developing early childhood education and its services in collaboration with the entire staff, says Anna Buss.
Leadership experience and knowledge of Early Childhood Education and local government
The position of Director of Early Childhood Education and Care attracted 11 applications, with six candidates invited for an interview.
The interview panel, comprising members of the Education Committee and representatives from the Education and Cultural Sector and Early Childhood Education Sector, proposed Anna Buss for the position. The committee selected Buss based on the interview panel’s assessment.
Anna Buss has a strong research-based understanding of the field of early childhood education and substantial experience as a supervisor. She is familiar with municipal decision-making and committee work, having also served as a preparer for decision-making at Åbo Akademi. Overall, Buss has the necessary skills to lead the personnel, financial, and general administration of the Early Childhood Education Sector, explains Christina Knookala, Director of Education.