The Sustainable Mobility Programme
The Sustainable Mobility Programme is implemented by the City of Vaasa in cooperation with WSP Finland Oy and Traficom.
The purpose of the City of Vaasa Sustainable Mobility Programme is to develop common guidelines for everyday modes of transport in the city and to answer the question on how to travel in Vaasa when the city becomes carbon neutral before 2030.
Progress of the programme
Spring 2019
- Investigation of the current modes of transport
- A resident survey to assess the thoughts and attitudes of Vaasa residents regarding different modes of transport
- A total of 561 people responded to the survey
Summer 2019
- Future images, vision and goals
- Workshop for city officials, authorities and elected representatives
- Interaction wall at the Vaasa Main Library and online – residents have a say in defining the future visions
Autumn 2019
- A workshop for city employees, officials, politicians and associations
- A resident survey based on the workshop, which is used to assess the thoughts of city residents on different modes of travel and wellbeing in the city. A total of 471 people responded to the survey. Results of the survey (pdf)
- Defining concrete measures and matching current city programmes with the vision and goals
Winter 2019
- Programme is ready
Information about the programme
Sustainable mobility refers to eco-friendly modes of transport such as cycling, walking and public transport. Sustainable mobility and transport can also be promoted through an infrastructure supporting sustainable modes of transport, by promoting low-emission vehicles and utilising intelligent traffic services. You can read more about sustainable traffic and mobility at Motiva’s website.
According to the latest statistics, traffic is one of the most polluting sectors in Vaasa. Emissions from road transport should be reduced by 90% in order to make the City of Vaasa carbon-neutral before 2030, which is in accordance with the target set in the Energy and Climate Programme.
The Vaasa Arena for Change (Vaasan Murrosareena) workshops, organised by the University of Vaasa, identified 26 immediate changes needed to promote more sustainable transportation and traffic in Vaasa. The sustainable mobility programme is included in these changes. For example, improving the image of public transport, introducing a public transport app, improving cycle paths as well as rental services for both bikes and electric cycles contribute to the growth of sustainable modes of transport in city traffic.