It is natural for us to combine knowledge, languages and cultures. Vaasa is the second most international city in Finland.
Services for immigrants
Early childhood education and care for children from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and preparatory education for basic education
Integration services
We provide guidance and counselling for individuals and families granted international protection and those who have got a positive decision to the asylum application. Our services include individual and group counselling. The guidance and counselling continues until the so called calculated compensation period comes to an end.
Interpretation and translation services
Library services for immigrants
Library is a place where everyone is welcome. In the library, you can spend time and meet friends. You can also read and borrow books. It does not cost anything to use the library.
Meeting places
Would you like to get to know your neighbours? Are you looking for new friends? Do you sometimes feel lonely? Here are some examples of places where you can go to meet other people and spend time in good company!
Welcome Office - Information and guidance for newcomers
Are you new in Finland? Welcome Office provides information in several languages on matters such as immigration, public services, Finnish society, language courses, working life and leisure activities.
Recreation & Sports
Shaolin Kung-fu practice, Seinäjoki
– 27.5.2025
Tuesdays in the Lyceum lower gym (Kirkkokatu 7) and on Thursdays in the gymnasium mirror hall (Kirkkokatu 16)
Conferences, Courses, Fairs & Seminars
– 22.4.2025
Biblioteket, tidningsläsesalen
Seminarier, föreläsningar och möten
Yleisöluentosarja Psykoanalyyttisia näkökulmia tunteisiin
– 2.4.2025
Pääkirjaston Draama-sali
Conferences, Courses, Fairs & Seminars
Tiimi toimimaan – Työyhteisön hyvinvointi ja erilaisuuden johtaminen
– 28.5.2025
Online participation possible.
Online event
Vaasa celebrates the Armas Festival from 17 to 23 March 2025
Vaasa will celebrate the nationwide ARMAS Festival, highlighting the voices of older people, from 17 to 23 March 2025. The festival brings art and culture...

Villa Gerby is for sale – make this unique milieu your own
The auction for the historically valuable Villa Gerby and its plot, owned by the City of Vaasa, began on 12 March on the platform. The property...

Alma Adult Education Centre at Kirkkopuistikko 15 to undergo renovation
A building technology-driven renovation will begin at Alma Adult Education Centre, formerly known as ’Arbis’ and located at Kirkkopuistikko 15, on 1 April...

EnergyVaasa is setting higher ambitions for the next three years
The new strategy of the EnergyVaasa cluster highlights the cluster’s position as a global leader in the clean transition. A strong focus is placed on the...