County and municipal elections 2025
Advance voting in the elections will take place from 2 to 8 April 2025 in Finland, and from 2 to 5 April abroad. The official election day is 13 April 2025.
By casting your vote in county and municipal elections, you can influence who will make decisions on matters affecting your everyday life for the next four years. In Vaasa, you vote for members of the County Council of the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia, and for the members of the Vaasa City Council and the city’s other decision-making bodies.
More information on the elections is available at:
Advance voting locations in Vaasa from 2 to 8 April 2025
County elections and municipal elections will be held simultaneously. You can vote in both elections at the same time. However, if you prefer, you can vote in the two elections on separate occasions or choose to vote in only one of them.
You can vote in advance at any advance polling station in Finland.
Visit Vaasa info, Market Square
2–4 April, from 10 to 20
5–6 April, from 10 to 16
7–8 April, from 10 to 20
Prisma, Liisanlehto, Elementtitehtaantie 1
5–6 April, from 10 to 18
7–8 April, from 10 to 20
Youth Club Ristikka, Jyrsijänkatu 2
2–4 April, from 10 to 18
7–8 April, from 10 to 20
Följy Youth Workshop, Loukontie 6
7 April, from 10 to 20
Siltaranta, Jokivarsitie 786
8 April, from 10 to 20
Vähäkyrö Joint Service Point, Vähänkyröntie 11
2–4 April, from 10 to 18
5–6 April, from 10 to 15
7–8 April, from 10 to 20
Citizen Services, Tammipiha, Teräksenkuja 1
2–4 April, from 10 to 18
7–8 April, from 10 to 18
Palosaari Library, Pikitehtaankatu 19–23
2–4 April, from 10 to 19
7–8 April, from 10 to 19
University of Vaasa, Wolffintie 32
2–4 April, from 10 to 15
K-Citymarket Kivihaka, Kokkokalliontie 2–6
5–6 April, from 10 to 18
Lemonsoft Stadion, Rantamaantie 6
2–4 April, from 10 to 20
5–6 April, from 10 to 16
7–8 April, from 10 to 20
Mobile polling station
K-Market Sundom, Sundomintie 128
2 April, from 10 to 20
K-Supermarket Huutoniemi, Kuninkaantie 69
3–4 April, from 10 to 20
S-market Gerby, Västervikintie 2
5–6 April, from 10 to 16
Polling stations in Vaasa on the official election day, 13 April 2025
County elections and municipal elections will be held simultaneously. You can vote in both elections at the same time. However, if you prefer, you can vote in the two elections on separate occasions or choose to vote in only one of them.
On the official election day, you can only vote at the polling station specified in the polling card sent to you in advance.
- Keskusta Pohjoinen, Ostrobothnian Museum, Museokatu 3
- Keskusta Etelä, City Hall, Senaatinkatu 1 D
- Keskusta, Alma Adult Education Centre, Raastuvankatu 31
- Vöyrinkaupunki, Onkilahti Comprehensive School, Vuorikatu 11
- Hietalahti, Hietalahti School, Ravikatu 9
- Palosaari, VAMK/Novia, ALERE, Wolffintie 31
- Vikinga, Vikinga School, Urheilukatu 10
- Isolahti, Isolahti School, Pallokatu 17
- Uusi Gerbyn alue, Länsimetsä School, Länsimetsäntie 10
- Gerby-Västervik, Gerby School, Västervikintie 27
- Kotiranta, Borgaregatans School, Porvarinkatu 13–15
- Asevelikylä-Teeriniemi, Purola Day Care Centre, Lystitie 2
- Huutoniemi-Melaniemi, Huutoniemi School, Mannerheimintie 41
- Ristinummi-Kappelimäki, Nummi School, Eräpolku 4
- Haapaniemi-Vanha Vaasa, Variska School, Vanhan Vaasan katu 20
- Suvilahti, Suvilahti School, Teirinkatu 2
- Sundom, Sundom School, Sundomintie 13
- Tervajoki (villages: Kuuttila, Tervajoki, Hiiripelto, Kalsila and Rekilä), Tervajoki School, Malamontie 2
- Kirkonkylä (villages: Kirkonkylä, Tapoila, Mullola, Saarenpää, Ojaniemi, Haaro, Hyyriä, Selkämäki and Perkiö) Savilahti Comprehensive School, Savilahdentie 1–5
- Merikaarto (villages: Merikaarto, Miekka, Järvenkylä, Torkkola and Saarensivu) Merikaarto School, Merikaarrontie 774
Home and institutional voting
An individual whose ability to move and function is so restricted that they cannot reach a polling station or advance voting location without undue difficulty, is entitled to vote in advance from home.
In home voting, a caregiver living in the same household as the person entitled to home voting, may also vote. Notification of home voting must be made by Tuesday, 1 April 2025, at 16.00 by calling 06 325 1550 (Monday to Thursday, 10.00–16.00, and Friday, 10.00–15.00) or by emailing
Institutions will be separately informed about the arrangements for advance voting on their premises. Eligible voters can inquire about the voting schedule from the staff at the institution.
Institutional voting will be organised at the following institutions in Vaasa:
Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia, Vaasa Central Hospital, Hietalahdenkatu 2–4
Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia, psychiatric wards, Hietalahdenkatu 2–4
Carl & Carolina, Rauhankatu 11
Folkhälsanhuset, Raastuvankatu 23
Fylgiahemmet, Koulukatu 34
Hemgården, Storsvedsvägen 8, Sundom
Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia, general medicine wards 1,3 ja 4, Hietalahdenkatu 2–4
Invalidiliitto housing services in Vaasa, Käsityöläiskatu 10, Tehtaankatu 3
Ruukinkartano, Palosaarentie 39
Hoitokoti Gustav, Ansanevantie 1
Mainiokoti Isolahti, Huvilatie 2
Attendo Omenapuisto, Rajarinne 10
Präntöön Helmi, Kapteeninkatu 32
Vanhan Vaasan sairaala, Vierinkiventie 1
Vaasan prison, Rantakatu 19
Vuorikoti, Vuorikatu 2-4
Himalaja assisted living facility, Himalajankatu 1
Attendo Milka nursing home, Sepänkyläntie 13-15
Fyrrykartano, Vähänkyröntie 51
Palvelukoti Kaarlentupa, Tehokatu 10
Krannila, Sairaskodinkatu 7
Seniorikoti, Kotiranta, Sorsantie 12
Hoivakoti Hopearanta, Voikukkakuja 4
The deadline for submitting candidate applications is 4 March 2025. You can read more about candidate nominations and eligibility for the county elections here and for the municipal elections here.
Candidate numbers will be announced on 13 March 2025. You can view the candidates for both elections on that date on the Ministry of Justice’s election information and results service.
Do I have the right to vote, and how do I vote?
In the municipal elections, eligible voters are those residing in the municipality who are citizens of Finland, other EU member states, as well as Iceland and Norway, and who will have turned 18 by the election day, 13 April 2025, at the latest.
Additionally, eligible voters include other foreign nationals residing in the municipality, who are 18 years old or older, provided they have lived in Finland continuously for at least two years.
In the county elections, eligible voters are those residing within the Wellbeing Services County who are citizens of Finland, other EU member states, as well as Iceland and Norway, and who will have turned 18 by the election day, 13 April 2025, at the latest.
Additionally, eligible voters include other foreign nationals residing within the Wellbeing Services County who are 18 years old or older, provided they have lived in Finland continuously for at least two years. Residents of Helsinki do not have the right to vote in the county elections.
In addition, under certain conditions, those working in the service of the EU and international organisations, as well as their family members, who reside within the Wellbeing Services County and municipality, are eligible to vote.
If you are eligible to vote, you will receive a voting rights notice (polling card) either by post or electronically through the service. More information on the service can be found at
You can read more detailed information about the right to vote here.
County elections and municipal elections will be held simultaneously. You can vote in both elections at the same time. However, if you prefer, you can vote in the two elections on separate occasions or choose to vote in only one of them.
Read more about voting on the website.
More information about voting is also available through the free service numbers 0800 9 4700 (Finnish and English) and 0800 9 4771 (Swedish and English), as well as via the WhatsApp messaging service at 050 438 8730. The service will be available starting in February 2025.
You can find more detailed information about the elections on the Ministry of Justice’s election website.
What do city councillors decide on?
The municipal councils, elected in municipal elections, decide on the municipality’s operations and finances. The council is the highest decision-making body of the municipality. The municipal council is elected every four years.
In the 2025 municipal elections, 55 councillors and their deputies will be elected to the Vaasa City Council for a four-year term. The term of the City Council will begin on 1 June 2025.
The Vaasa City Council holds overall responsibility for the city’s operations and finances. The council is also the strategic leader of Vaasa, setting the long-term goals for the municipality’s operations.
The members and deputy members elected to the City Council in the municipal elections also form the City Board and the committees. These bodies make decisions on matters and services related to the everyday life of Vaasa residents, including construction, streets, transportation, parks, education, teaching, sports facilities, cultural services, and libraries.
What do county councillors decide?
In the county elections, representatives are elected to the County Councils, which are responsible for organising social and healthcare services, as well as emergency services, within the respective Wellbeing Services Counties.
The County Council is the highest decision-making body of the Wellbeing Services County. In the 2025 county elections, 59 county councillors and their deputies will be elected to the County Council of the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia for a four-year term. The term of the County Council will begin on 1 June 2025.
The Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia consists of the municipalities of Kaskinen, Korsnäs, Kristiinankaupunki, Kruunupyy, Laihia, Luoto, Maalahti, Mustasaari, Närpiö, Pedersöre, Pietarsaari, Uusikaarlepyy, Vaasa, and Vöyri.
The County Council decides on the following matters, among others:
- The Wellbeing Services County strategy and the social and healthcare service strategy
- The service level of emergency services
- The budget and financial plan of the Wellbeing Services County
- Operational and financial objectives
- Service and client fees and their general principles.
- The council also appoints the members of the County Executive. The County Executive leads the operations, administration, and finances of the Wellbeing Services County.
Read more about the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia and its County Council.
Read more about County elections on the website of Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia.
Election results
The votes cast in the county and municipal elections are counted by the Central Election Committee of each municipality. The preliminary results of the elections will be known on the evening of the election day. Once the polling stations close at 20, the result of the advance voting, transferred to the election information system, is made public.
In county and municipal elections, where the number of ballots to be counted is twice that of other elections, the preliminary result takes longer to be announced. Particularly in the largest cities, the preliminary result may not be available until after midnight.
The result of the county and municipal elections is certified by each Election Committee on the Wednesday following the election day, i.e., 16 April 2025.
All election results can be viewed on the Ministry of Justice’s election information and results service.