Swamps are paludified areas to which water runs from surrounding areas. They exhibit a thin peat layer and are typically more nutritious than pine mires. Thriving in swamp areas are spruce and birch and in the field layer various species of herbs and grasses. Typical plant life includes purple marshlock, wood horsetail and cloudberry. Bird species nesting in swamp areas are, for example, the Euraisan sparrowhawk, Eurasian pygmy owl, Eurasian robin, common blackbird and crested tit.
Albeit more common than pine mires, swamps in Vaasa are typically small and located in dells between ridges in commercial forest areas. Swamps are easily affected by forestry and if sufficient protective zones are not established during harvesting these sensitive areas will dry out. Swamps can be found in forests located in Öjen, the Sundom archipelago and around the Pilvilampi lake.
Swamps are most appealing for excursions during spring as bird activity is at its peak, as well as during late summer when cloudberries are ripe for picking. The available amount of cloudberries is dependent on the weather conditions during bloom season. Harvests vary greatly from year to year as cloudberry blossoms are extremely frost- and wind sensitive.