Anas platyrhynchos
General information. The mallard is the most common dabbling duck in Finland. This is a well-known duck, thriving along shorelines and in certain wetland areas.
- Length 55-60 cm
- Nests on the ground under vegetation cover
- Winters in the southern parts of the Baltic Sea and western Europe
- Feeds on plant material, seeds and grain
Habitat. The mallard nests in the proximity of literally all types of water bodies. In Vaasa, it can be found in the outer and inner archipelago, near lakes on the mainland and by main ditches. The female seeks out open water with her young but the nest itself can be located as far away as deep in the forest.
Distribution in Vaasa. The mallard was observed in about 200 survey blocks during the nesting season. During winter, mallards gather in great numbers by the docks in Vaskiluoto, in the pond by the Court of Appeal and near open water areas near the Pått Sewage Treatment Facility and in Onkilahti. During autumn the majority of mallards migrate south, to open waters in the Baltic Sea.