Public campfire sites
Vaasa has many public campfire sites that can be used by residents and visitors for free. Bring your own firewood, lighters and barbecue equipment with you, and choose a place where you would enjoy grilling sausages!
The campfire sites have concrete rings, where the fire can be made, and benches for people to sit on. Users should bring their own equipment for putting out fires and dispose of any rubbish in the bins provided.
The City of Vaasa Public Utility Services maintains the following campfire sites:
- Myrgrund (Myrgrundintie, south of the Myrgrund bridge, fishing rod pier and the beach for dogs)
- Tekosaari, Hietalahti (south from the baseball stadion)
- Kanoottiranta – Ahvensaari, Suvilahti
- Ahvensaari, Suvilahti (along the outdoor trail which starts from the end of Kuparisaarentie, near the sea cliffs)
- Appelsiininmäki, Suvilahti (along the outdoor trail which goes from the end of Kaskistenkatu towards Helsingörinkatu)
- Patteriniemi, Suvilahti
- Majakkakivi, Suvilahti (along the southern City Bay Trail)
- Ristinummen laavu (next to the frisbee golf course, Vanhan Vaasan katu -Vesilaitoksentie)
- Laajametsä – Giga (Laajametsä, west of the lot 18, giant stone)
- Kolkki (Jokivarsitie, near Kolkki mansion)
- Kirkkosaari, Vähäkyrö
- Teletappimäki, Huutoniemi (close to the intersection of Huutoniementie and Keskuskatu)
- Alkula, Vanha Vaasa
- Nummen koulu, Ristinummi
- Edvininpolku, Asevelikylä (sledding hill, Keilatie)
- Böle, Koskisuo (Varjokuja)
- Böle, Koskisuo (Uusi Bölentie)
- Onkilahti (north of the park, Onkilahdenkatu)
- Hellasberget, Gerby (Storberget, 500 m walk from the end of Hellaksentie)
- Gerbynmäki, Gerby (sledding hill)
- Pukinjärvi (north of the lake)/Smalinfjärden (Storåkersvägen)
- Variskarit, Isolahti (Huvilatie)
- Kynsiluoto
- Rauniopuisto, Vanha Vaasa (Kauppiaankuja) only available in winter
The Öjberget ski centre (Marketintie) also has a barbecue hut maintained by the Leisure Office in the vicinity of the observation tower, where you can grill and eat snacks.
The campfire sites along the Pilvilampi walking trail (Kappelinmäentie) are maintained by Vaasan Latu ry. The campfire sites can be found at the following locations:
- Aurinkolaavu
- Eetun piilo
- Kivijärven laavu
- Käärmeniemi
- Närvän mutka, 2 campfire sites
- Pilvimaja
- Pilvilammentie, Höstves