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The Beacon Boulder and the Vanha Vaasa canal

Majakkakivi (the Beacon Boulder) is one of the many erratic boulders used to navigate to the harbour in the dark. Beacons were lit on the large boulders guiding boats to the harbour. In the 1800s the beacons were maintained by for instance the relatives and friends of the people of Sundom and Munsmo so that they could walk to the Vanha Vaasa church on ice in winter. Majakkakivi is protected by the Antiquities Act. Because of the land uplift, Majakkakivi is now on dry land.

The land uplift also made the strait going by Vanha Vaasa shallower and in the 1790s the harbour had to be moved to the strait of Palosaari. During 1838–1845 the Vanha Vaasa canal was excavated as a route to the old harbour and the sea. The Vanha Vaasa canal is also protected by the Antiquities Act. Beginning from the southern side of the canal is the Risö nature reserve, which is part of the Natura 2000 network.