Eteläinen kaupunginselkä

The Eteläinen Kaupunginselkä bay (the Southern City Bay) is located southeast of the city centre. Considering the entire landscape structure, it is a vast sea bay in the waterfront zone. In the south it forms an elongated ‘tongue’ shape towards the mouth of the Tuovila-Laihia River. The bay is roughly six kilometers long from Vaskiluoto to the river mouth. The most important nature characteristic for the birdlife of this area is the inner, lush reed dominated landscape. In addition to this, there is an abundance of softstem bulrush in the bay along with grey and black alder, found predominately along the waterfront.
One can familiarize themselves with the birdlife dwelling in the bay from the observation tower on Ryövärinkari, preferably using binoculars for best results. There are foot-bridges through the reed beds, enabling access from Röyvärinkari to Risö, where there is car parking. The bridges are only accessible by foot and are not suitable for bikes or prams. By the observation tower there is a rest area and a designated area for camp fires. By the mouth of the Tuovila River, there is another observation tower within walking distance from the parking lot. The area is managed by the Metsähallitus (Natural Heritage Services).
During spring and autumn migration, the bay is used by various species of waterfowl as a staging area. One can spot grebes, mallards, geese, cranes and waders in the area. Multiple species of birds are found regularly nesting in the reed beds and woodland areas during the summer months, including the reed bunting and sedge warbler. Other scarcer nesting species are the grasshopper warbler and bearded reedling. In the woodlands along the waterfront, the hazel grouse, Eurasian pygmy-owl, wood warbler, winter wren, common blackbird, thrush nightingale and the lesser spotted woodpecker can be found.
The surrounding nature in the area can be experienced throughout the seasons, yet the most ideal time is between April and October.