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Book the main library’s exhibition space Teema

The exhibition space Teema will be chargeable from the beginning of 2025. The fee for booking exhibition space Teema will from 1.1.2025 be 100€/1-4 weeks.

Please check the calendar for availability first and use the form below (not the calendar) to book Teema.

Booking fee

Vaasa city library will send a bill to the person in charge at last when the exhibition has ended.

To cancel a reservation:

The booking of the exhibition space can be canceled without fee at least 30 days before the beginning of the exhibition. The cancelation must be done in writing. If the cancelation is done later the booker is obligated to pay the whole booking fee (100€) to the library.

More information: Max Bäckman, 040-1831956,

Booking of the exhibition space Teema

"*" indicates required fields


Exhibitions guidelines

  • Exhibitions must support the mission, vision and values of the library, and offer the public knowledge, recreation and new experiences.
  • The library welcomes exhibitions that display, for example, books, art, photos, hobbies, and arts and crafts.
  • The library has a right to refuse an exhibition if the contents or execution are not suitable for public spaces or are not in keeping with the standards and values of the library. The contents and technical execution of exhibitions must meet the general standards for exhibitions in public spaces.
  • The library will not display exhibitions that violate human rights or degrade minorities. The library will not display exhibitions with violent or pornographic contents.
  • The exhibitor must, on request by the library staff, provide a sample of the artwork that is to be exhibited before the booking of the exhibition space can be confirmed.
  • The library does not pay copyright fees or exhibition payments for the artwork in the exhibitions unless otherwise negotiated.


Terms and conditions for the use of the exhibition spaces


  • The exhibition period is normally one month. Longer exhibition periods must be negotiated separately.
  • Exhibitors will be required to install and remove their own exhibitions. The set up and removal must be done during library opening hours.
  • The exhibition must be installed and removed during scheduled hours. The library has the right to remove an exhibition, if the exhibitor cannot meet the established deadline.
  • Exhibition premises Gallery is partly on the children’s department. We ask that the exhibitor takes this into account when placing the art work.
  • Exhibitions open on the weekday following the set-up, and close one weekday before the removal.
  • A person/group can book the exhibition spaces of a library location once a calendar year.
  • The library is not responsible for any costs caused by the exhibition, with the exception of national circulating exhibitions. The library may contribute to the freight charges of these exhibitions.
  • Booking of the exhibition premises Gallery and the display cases are free.
  • The exhibition space Teema will be chargeable from the beginning of 2025. The fee for booking exhibition space Teema will from 1.1.2025 be 100€/1-4 weeks. Vaasa result areas can book the venue free of charge.
    • Booking fee: Vaasa city library will send a bill to the person in charge at last when the exhibition has ended.
    • To cancel a reservation: The booking of the exhibition space can be canceled without fee at least 30 days before the beginning of the exhibition. The cancelation must be done in writing. If the cancelation is done later the booker is obligated to pay the whole booking fee (100€) to the library.
  • The library will not insure exhibits. The library will provide general security services to the exhibition spaces. The library is not responsible for any damage to the artwork.
  • No damage may be caused to library spaces or property during the set up or removal of an exhibition. The exhibitor is responsible for any damage to the library or its property. The exhibitor is responsible for cleaning any marks (tape residue, etc.) caused by the installation of the exhibition.
  • The library has the right to remove an exhibition/to ask an exhibitor to remove an exhibition, if the exhibitor has provided misleading information about the exhibition when booking the exhibition space, or if the exhibition is not appropriate for a public library.
  • The exhibitor may not move the shelves or the light fixtures in the showcases in the first floor entrance hall.
  • The exhibitor may not block emergency exits, or cover ventilation ducts. The exhibitor may not cover or remove fire alarms, fire safety signs, or fire-fighting equipment.
  • The exhibitor may arrange an opening reception at their own cost during library opening hours. The reception may not cause any disturbance to the normal operation of the library. No alcoholic beverages may be served at the reception. Catering services are brought by the library’s cafeteria entrepreneur, with whom the organiser of the event communicates directly. Any assistance from the library staff at the reception must be negotiated and agreed separately.
  • The exhibitor is responsible for promoting and marketing the exhibition. The library will promote the exhibition on the library home page.
  • The library has the right to use photographs of the exhibition on the library home page and in other library communications without charge or fee.
  • The exhibitor is responsible for all copyright clearance related to the exhibition.
  • Sale of art displayed in exhibitions is allowed, but the price labels must be discreet. The library staff will not accept payment for artwork, and artwork cannot be reserved through library staff. The contact information of the exhibitor must be available at the exhibition, and all sales will be directly between the exhibitor and the buyer.


Updated 12.9.2024