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Kuula-opisto events - concerts and performances

Kuula-opisto arranges student concerts throughout the year. The concerts are mainly free, welcome!

Running notes
Students concert
Tue 25.3. at 19:00
Toivo Kuula Hall

Towards Tampere Piano Competition 
Kirill Kozlovski and his students are concerting
Sun 30.3. at 15:00
Toivo Kuula Hall

The wind band performs
Tue 1.4.
Isolahden alakoulu

Concert week  5.-13.4.25

Saturday  5.4.

The opening of the concert week
At 12:00-12:45, 13:15-14:00 & 14:30-15:15

The Masterclass concert
At 15:00
Tikanojan taidekoti

Sunday 6.4.       

The happy bows
Concert with Umeå musicschool
At 15:00
Toivo Kuula Hall

Monday 7.4.

The Wind band performs  
Vasa övningsskola

Get used to our instruments in music playschool
Music playschool

Promenade 1
At 15-18:30
Vasas mainlibrary

Kuula-opistos and TaiKons danceperformance
At 18:00
Vaasan kaupunginteatterin Romeo-näyttämö

At 18:30
Toivo Kuula Hall

Tuesday  8.4.

Get used to our instruments in music playschool  
Music playschool

Rhythm at Vamia
At 10:00

Music for seniors
At 13:00

Promenade 2
At 15-18:30
Vasas mainlibrary

Kuula-opistos and TaiKons danceperformance
Klo 18:00
Vaasan kaupunginteatterin Romeo-näyttämö

The Guitarists springconcert
At 19:00
Huutoniemi church

At 19:00
Toivo Kuula Hall

Wednesday  9.4.     

Find your instrument 
Onkilahden yhtenäiskoulu

Get used to our instruments in music playschool    
Music playschool

Happy melodies for seniors!       
At 13:00

Promenade 3
At 15-18:30
Vasas mainlibrary

Libraryconcert in Isokyrö
Klo 17:00
Isonkyrön kirjasto

Libraryconcert in Laihia
Klo 17:30
Laihian kirjasto 

The Rhythmsingers concert 
At 18:00
Music class 148

The Pianists concert
At 18:00
Toivo Kuula Hall

“From sonatine to sonata”, the pianists theme concert
At 19:00
Toivo Kuula Hall

Torstai  10.4.

The wind band performs
Vaasan keskuskoulu

What is an accordion
Sundom förskola

Promenade 4
At 15-16:30
Vasas mainlibrary

Cocert week 
Come and see Kuula-opisto!
At 17:30

Friday  11.4.        

The wind band performs
Onkilahden yhtenäiskoulu

Promenade 5
At 15-16:30
Vasas mainlibrary

At 17:30
Kuula-opiston ruokasali

The wind students concert 
At 18:00
Toivo Kuula Hall

Sunday 13.4.

Concert with our music playschool
At 9.30, 11.00 & 12.30
Toivo Kuula Hall                                                                                                                               


Concert with base
Elina Vikman, base
Tue 15.4. at 19:30
Toivo Kuula Hall

The Rhythm bands concert 
Thu 24.4. at 19:00

Flute matinee
Mon 28.4. at 18:30
Kuula-opiston ruokasali

Easter concert 
Tue 15.4. kat 19:00                                                                                      Huutoniemi church


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