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klassinen baletti, baletti, Kuula-opisto

Classical Ballet

Clean ballet lines, grace and experience! We provide progressive ballet education for children and adolescents according to the age and skills of the learner.

We support learning at all levels – from hobby to professional dance. Our central idea is to offer young dancers a diversity of theoretical and technical skills in the art of dance.


Registration and application times

The registration period for new students is primarily in April. Children can begin ballet studies in the year that they turn seven.

There is no entrance test for the studies. The teacher decides in which group the new student starts. New students can also be accepted into the groups during the school year. Register on the Kuula-opisto’s Wilma registration form.

For those who are already our dance students, we will send separate instructions towards the end of the spring on how to continue to be registered.

In May-June, we will send information to registered students about the start of teaching in the autumn, the time of the dance lessons and the teacher. When the autumn term begins, the dance teacher will contact those who have registered during the summer.

During the school year, those who are interested in ballet studies can contact our ballet contact person directly.

Objectives and teaching content

The groups practise 1-3 times a week and the duration of a dance lesson is 60-90 minutes. There are 35 teaching weeks per school year.

Dance studies consist of studies of classical ballet and other dance disciplines and subjects that support it. The student is versed in the basic technique of classical ballet and other dance forms that are included in the studies as well as in their characteristic means of expression and style. In this way, we offer the student the opportunity to gain a broad understanding of dance as an art form.

Support for the dancer’s body, awareness and general well-being is integrated into our teaching at all levels.

Teaching is carried out in such a way that it forms a natural and meaningful whole from the perspective of the pupil’s knowledge and skill-based learning process.

Teaching structure

The studies consist of basic studies followed by advanced studies. A child can start at the basic level of education the year they turn 8. In the basic studies, there are six group levels, and the student proceeds on a year and level basis.

In the advanced studies, there are two groups of students. The student has been practising at both levels for an average of two years. The advanced studies include a final project.

Students practise classical ballet twice a week. Training in other dance forms and study subjects that supplement the ballet studies usually commences in the year that the student reaches the age of 11. Additional studies include basic courses in contemporary dance, acrobatics, jazz dance and choreography, as well as improvisation.

Our dance education is a comprehensive curriculum of basic art education.


In the studies within the basic learning course in basic art education, the student has an opportunity to receive two certificates:

  • certificate of basic studies
  • graduate certificate in the comprehensive curriculum of basic art education

Both certificates contain a verbal assessment of the student’s studies. It describes the student’s progress and the knowledge they have achieved in relation to their artistic and study level goals. The assessment emphasises the strengths of the student’s learning and skills. The final project, which is included in the advanced studies course, is assessed as part of the studies.

On request, if the student’s studies are suspended or the student needs it for some other reason, then the student is given a certificate of participation in the studies within the advanced course that they have participated in.


Contact Us

Dance teacher Iiris Kankaanpää-Ahosola