Early Childhood Education and Care
Early childhood education and care services in Vaasa are provided in daycare centres, family daycare units, and open daycare centre.
Vaasa has Finnish, Swedish, and bilingual daycare centres. Finnish-speaking children also have access to Swedish-language language immersion options, and to foreign-language education in English.
Families can also apply for an early childhood education place in a private, voucher-based daycare centre if they wish.
We follow the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care, the national Core Curriculum for Early Childhood education (full document available in Finnish) and the local early childhood education plan (in Finnish).
Holiday periods for early childhood education and preschool education 2024-2025
Holiday periods during the period 2024-2025.
The preschool education period starts on begins 16.8.2024 and ends 30.5.2025.
- Autumn holiday 14.–18.10.2024
- Independence Day 6.12.2024
- Christmas holiday 23.12.2024–6.1.2025
- Winter holiday 24.–28.2.2025
- Easter 18.–21.4.2025
- May Day 1.5.2025
- Ascension Day 29.5.2025
A system reform is underway in Vaasa City’s early childhood education aimed at simplifying the daily lives of customers and the work of staff.
Are you looking for an early childhood education place for your child? Are you thinking about the differences between daycare and family daycare? Do you want to know more about private or open early childhood education?
Early childhood education and care for children from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and preparatory education for basic education
Children’s illnesses, medication and accidents
Family leave