Service coordination for early childhood education
Are you looking for an early childhood education place for your child? Are you thinking about the differences between daycare and family daycare? Do you want to know more about private or open early childhood education?
The Early Childhood Education Coordination Service advises families on issues related to early childhood education and explains the different options available in municipal and private early childhood education.
Here are some of the things we can help you with:
- how to apply for a place at an early childhood education centre
- how to change places at an early childhood education centre
- how to terminate a place at an early childhood education centre
- private early childhood education and service vouchers
- municipal allowance for home care
- open daycare facilities, club activities and applying for a place at a club
NOTE! Questions about Client Fees:
- varhaiskasvatus.laskutus@vaasa.fi
- Daycare secretaries: Contacts in page Customer Fees for Early Childhood Education