Palosaari, Vetokannas and Vöyrinkaupunki daycare centres
Kaptensgatans daghem
The key concept behind Kapteeninkadun päiväkoti: The daycare centre staff provides high-quality daycare to families with children in accordance with the city of Vaasa’s common goals. The daycare centre’s focus areas are play, working in small groups, and educational partnership.
Children and adults have a right to a functional everyday life and a meaningful existence.
Malmöntalon päiväkoti provides versatile and safe daycare and education for children. The children’s families are supported in accordance with their different and individual care and educational needs.
Palosaaren päiväkoti
The key concept behind Palosaaren päiväkoti: Stories, nature, the sea, trips – they create moments of joy.
Pukinkulman päiväkoti supports the individual growth of children in a homelike atmosphere. We awaken a child’s interest in and appreciation for nature by taking nature and the environment into consideration in our activities.
Vikinga förskola has one preschool group. Its key concept: Children are given the opportunity to develop diversely at their own pace and in a safe environment. With the help of the parents, children are supported in their personal development, their self-esteem is strengthened, and they are given the chance to find the joy of learning and social cohesion.